Chapter 2

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I walk by Joel's veranda and see him leaning over the railing, holding a cup in his hands. As he sees me he straightens up and lifts his cup towards me, greeting. I'm not in the mood to talk to him right now. Actually I can't remember the last time we had a real and normal conversation that didn't end up in a huge fight and the last thing I need right now is another lecture from him. I tend to lose my temper easily when I'm stressed out. And even though he's in my bad books, the anger and bitterness I'm feeling right now isn't directed against him. It's Cat's fault I'm feeling these emotions right now. It would be unfair to vent it on Joel.

I give him a quick nod and continue my walk to the inner city. From the corner of my eye I see him slightly opening his mouth as if he wants to say something, but decides not to because he shuts it shortly after. Whatever. I need to get to the main building of Jackson to get orders for my work shift today. I hope that I won't have to patrol on the hotel route. Those old hotels from another time scare the fuck out of me. It's not even the number of infected in these building, but the floor plan of them. I tend to lose orientation and that's one of the worst things to happen, if you're followed by Runners and Clickers.

Tommy once told me the reason why so many infected "live" in hotels, is because they weren't allowed to go out, when the whole thing started. Most of them did as they were told and stayed in their little hotel rooms, but some of them sneaked out and back in, despite being bitten. They turned into one of them and infected every other person in the hotel.

I walk down the dusty streets and the morning sun already burns hot in these early hours. My neck hair is becoming sweaty and I quickly put my hair into a bun, hoping for a breeze to cool me down, but it is windless. Not a single air blast blows through the city.

Most of the workers are already up. I greet one of the butchers of Jackson and he waves at me. Harold, the old blacksmith that always seems a bit grumpy, but is actually concentrated while working, mumbles a "morning" under his breath.

I reach the main building and walk up the stairs to the entrance. This is one of my favorite buildings from Jackson. It used to be some sort of city hall, but is now used as some sort of employment agency. People who are new to Jackson have to go here and they will be assigned with a job. Other people who already have a job, but aren't too happy with it can go here as well and ask for another work. But most of the time the patrols show up here, asking for the routes they are supposed to take and asking for permission to go with one of the horses.

I open the massive door and Lori, a young girl in her twenties, sees me and takes big steps in my direction.

"Ellie", she says, checking the piece of paper in her hand.

"That would be me", I answer, still hoping I won't get the hotel route.

Lori's eyes fly over the list in her hand, while the other hand is resting on the holster with her revolver. I heard she does this to reassure it's still there and to react quickly in case she needs it. Some trauma from 6 years ago, when she got jumped by a few stalkers that took away her right eye and her twin brother from her.

Maria told me she got well soon, that she's a tough girl who distracted herself after the death of her brother with hard work. But every now and then I see her sneaking around the backyard of the Tipsy Bison, scrounging booze from the guy that works there and who willingly gives her what she wants, because everyone but Lori knows he has a crush on her. He thinks he's doing her a favor, when in reality he's hindering her healing process.

"You're not patrolling today", she puts the paper aside and signals me to follow her to the back of the house. Where the newcomers wait for one of the big bosses to interview them, deciding if they are trustworthy enough to become a member of Jackson, or if they have to leave.

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