chapter 21

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The Next Week

[At afternoon]

I was now walking around the city

I'm trying to clear my mind about my accident with nelo Angelo or..... vergil.

Then i see tonomachi wave at me

Tonomachi=hey y/n! Are you want to come with me to the burger shop? I'll treat

Y/n=no thank you*monotone voice*

Tonomachi thoughts=hmm... what's wrong with him?

I then left

I continue walking around the town while remember my past with vergil and Dante when i was kid

Timeskip at night

Rinne POV

Where is y/n?
he still hasn't come home yet
I better look for him now .

I then walking around town to find him but i cant find him

I then went to the park.
After i arrived. I saw Y/n sitting on a park bench


Now it's night already

I was at the park now
Sitting on bench there while holding vergil amulet.

tears slowly came out of my eyes

tears slowly came out of my eyes

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I then closed my eyes.

Sudenly i hear someone walking toward me but i don't care, i'm still closed my eyes while crying


I heard that voice and open my eyes and it was Rinne


Rinne=you still thinking about him right?


Y/n=sometime i want him keep watching for me and praise me but that never come true

Rinne=your onii-san will always keep watching you y/n

Rinne=even this every minutes, he's wacthing from somewhere.

Rinne=he wouldn't praise you if he saw you keep being depressed.

Rinne=so don't stay depressed forever, okay?

She then wiped my tears

Rinne=i'm sure he acknowledged you as his excellent little brother!

Y/n=thanks.... Rinne

The Next day

Now i was in school hallways and went to my classroom.

I arrived and then I entered my classroom

Then tamae walk toward me and ask me a question

Tamae=y/n, why are you not go to school for one week

Y/n=sorry sensei, this week i feel dizzy

Tamae=okay and y/n

Y/n=yes sensei

Tamae=nice necklet

Y/n=huh? thank you sensei

I then sit on my chair

Tohka=hey y/n nice necklet you have there, can i have some?



Y/n=because this is from my family

Tohka=huh i see



I am on the roof

Now i was staring at dante and vergil amulet.

Y/n=if i have more power that day, i can save my family

Y/n=all of this happen because i'm weak!!

Y/n=all of this happen because i'm weak!!

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[Timeskip after school]

I'm now went home with Rinne

Rinne=hey y/n are you alright


Rinne=you still thinking about your brother again right


Rinne=hey y/n pls forget about that accident, don't keep blame yourself for what happen.

Y/n=but Rinne...H-he die in my own hand i-i kill him

Rinne=you do it because the pressure.

Rinne=pls stop being depressed, i can't keep seeing you like this.

Y/n=sorry Rinne

Timeskip at night

Rinne=y/n! Dinner is ready!

Y/n=okay i'm coming

I then walking toward Rinne and sit in front of her then I eat my food

I see Rinne was gazing at me

Rinne=How does it taste y/n

Y/n=It's delicious as usual Rinne

She then blushed a bit

Rinne=*blushed*t-thank you y/n

After I finished my food I then go to my bedroom

Y/n=i want to sleep now  so good night Rinne

Rinne=good night y/n

I then enter my bedroom and go to sleep

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