chapter 33 The Order Of The Sword

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The Next Day.

I am currently having breakfast with Rinne in my apartment.

*While eating*

Rinne=so y/n who stole your sword yesterday?

Y/n=i not know

Rinne=could it be the AST wizard from DEM?

Y/n=It's impossible, no human or spirit can carry that sword apart from me

Rinne=so who was the thief?

Y/n=The Order Of The Sword

Rinne=huh? Are you know something about that?


Rinne=so what would you do now?

Y/n=i need gather information about that organization

Rinne=so how are you gonna get that information?

Y/n=i not know

Rinne=i think you should ask Kotori about this

Y/n=huh? Why?

Rinne=since she is a commander of Ratotskar I think Kotori can help you gathering information

Y/n=hmm i think you are right, i should go to her house

Rinne=first finish your breakfast

Y/n=okay captain Rinne


I and Rinne now in front of Shido and Kotori house.

I walk toward the door and then i knock the door



Then the door is opened.

Kotori=y/n! nice to meet you again!

She then try to hugged me but i stopped her


Y/n=what are you doing?

Kotori=i just want to hug you!


Shido=Kotori who is in the door?

Shido then look toward me.

Shido=Y/n! Long time no see!

Y/n=yeah yeah whatever

Y/n=anyway I need both of you help

Kotori=why you need our help?

Y/n=let's continue our conversation at Fraxinux


[At the fraxinux]

Kotori=so now why you need our help

Y/n=I need your help to find information about an organization


Y/n=yeah some sort of organization stole my sword last night


Y/n=so you will help me or not?

Kotori=of course i will help you, you are my brother remember

Y/n=pls stop call me brother, i'm not your brother now

Kotori=so what is the name of the organization.

Y/n=The Order Of The Sword.

Kotori=Reine you heard him

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