Prologue (I guess?)

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(( A/N : I don't like dub- no offense- but I have to use it since I can't find the thing in sub on youtube, my dad won't let me watch anime that's why eeeeee ;-;  As I said in the description, there's swearing owo Also none of the drawings are mine- unless I say at the bottom 'Drawn by me!' or something lol Also I do not own My hero Academia, as you MHA fans already know XD I'm sorry for any mistakes and cringe :') I'm changin stuff obviously lol I hope you like it! Please give me suggestions :D OFC NOT FORCING YOU 😅                               -Raine))


"Deku, that must be what you call a helpless loser who's completely useless." 

"Why are you being so mean Kacchan?"

"Your quirk is amazing Kacchan! When I get mine I hope it's just as cool!"

"Whatever Deku. No matter what quirk you end up with you'll never be able to beat me."

Middle Schoolers...

"Just hope that you'll be born with a quirk in your next life, and take a swan dive off the roof of the building!"

Kacchan had always been so mean to me, and told me, I could never become a, I did something else... I became, a villain.

As you know, Katsuki had always bullied Izuku, even more when his quirk never manifested

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As you know, Katsuki had always bullied Izuku, even more when his quirk never manifested. When Izuku was 14, last year in Junior High, after Katsuki had told him to erm- 'take a swan dive off the roof of the building', he disappeared. His mother, Inko, had panicked and called and visited everyone she knew to see if they knew where Izuku was, and that including the Bakugou family...

*knockity knock knock*



Katsuki puts the remote down, stretches and yawns, then walks to the door and opens it.

"What do y- oh hey Aunty."

Inko looked up with tears in her eyes.

Katsuki's eyes widened, "Woah, are you ok?"

*sNiFfLe* "M-May I speak to your mother please?"

"Yeah yeah sure come in!" He held the door open wider as Inko slowly walked in.

"BRAT WHO WAS AT-" Mitsuki peeks her head from the kitchen, "Oh! Inko! What's wrong?" she rushes to her side.

"I-It's about...I-Izuku..." she starts to cry harder.

Mitsuki leads her to the couch and sits her down, "Shh shh, calm down, I won't be able to help if you don't tell me what's wrong. And what could be this bad this late at night?"

Katsuki just stayed by the door, watching the two, Masaru came into the living room too and sat down in an armchair to hear what's happening.

"I-Izuku, he's, he's gone."

"WHA- GONE?! What do you mean by gone?!" Mitsuki said jumping a bit.

"H-He didn't come home from school today, I tried calling him many times, but he didn't answer.. d-do you have any idea of where he is?"

Mitsuki inhaled sharply, "No... I'm sorry Inko.." Inko started crying more as Mitsuki hugged her, she gave Katsuki a look like 'Do you know anything about this?'

Katsuki's arms dropped, his eyes widening even more.. 💭Holy shit.. this is my fault.. THIS IS ALL MY FAULT ISN'T IT... what if he... NO... NO NO NO!!💭 he thought as he messed up his hair and ran up to his room.

"Kat!" Mitsuki sighed and looked at Masaru- who was holding a pan just in case- she narrowed her eyes at him 'Really?'

( Yes nickname for Katsuki is Kat lol....... Weeb0111- cough )

Masaru shrugged

~Some time before that~

*AgAiN- knockity knock knock*

The villains froze and turned their heads to the door.

"Should we answer it?" Toga asked

"YEAH!! No that's a bad idea." Twice exclaimed.

"Just be ready to pounce.." Shiggy said as he scratched his neck.

Everybody looked at Dabi.


They just looked at him.

".....Tch, fine dammit." He went to the door.

He slowly opened it, to reveal a short broccoli head boy with freckles- who was trembling.

"Oh it's just some kid." Dabi said looking back at them.

"U-Uhmm..." Izuku's voice was small and unsteady, his breathing a bit fast.

"What do you want kid?" Dabi asked.

Izuku gulps and takes a deep breath, "I-I'm here t-to become a v-v-villain." he said stumbling on his words.

They all stared at him.

"Why's that?" Shiggy asked with a raspy voice.

"W-Well, a, f-friend, if you can call him that, told me, I could n-nerver become a hero because.." he mumbled the last part.

"What was that?" Kurogiri said tilting his- erm- head a little.


Villains be like : NaNi??

"Quirkless..." everyone went quiet.

After several moments of silence, Izuku broke it, "I-I'm sorry! I'll just lea-"

Dabi pulled Izuku inside and shut the door.

"UWA- ow."

"What's your name?" Toga asked excitedly.

"I-Izuku. Izuku Midoriya."

"Are you really sure you want to become a villain? Well, if you don't, we'll have to kill you since you know the location of our hide-out and you know, we don't want any information leaked." Mr. Compress said as he played with the tiny blue marble thingys (Lol sorry)


They all nod.

"W-Well then, yes, I do want to become a villain. But, I have some conditions."

 ( I feel like I'm stealing from Calladraws 😀 I'm so sorry ;-; )

"You can go and talk to sensei."


Shiggy smiles behind the hand, "Go into that room over there." he points at a door, a big door lol.

Izuku gulps and stands up, shaking once again, he walks to the door and opens it hesistantly.

"Oh what do we have here..?" A deep voice asks.

Oki doki!! Done with the 'prologue'. I know- that really sucked :') But oh well I'm still gonna go on with this crappy story! Yeah not much swearing yet, but I'm tellin ya, there will be more swearing later XD. Ok- so uhm- next chap- I hope you enjoy it! THANK YOU FOR TAKING YOUR TIME TO READ THIS TRASH!! REALLY THANK YOU TwT

Word Count : 1042         (Wow so low lmao)


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