~ Chapter 2 ~

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(( OML- you're still here :O Thank you for putting up with this crap TwT Warning- this chapter is even more shitty :')   ))

(( Hehe, another note- I'm just editing this lol- just sayin- the meme up above- it's kinda freeeaakky XD Aoyama needs to chill lol, I don't even know why I'm putting this here in the story it's pointless- I will stop stallin- cough- oN tO sToRy ))

Deku sighed and placed the money on the table, then walked away. 

As soon as he was gone- the Bakusquad fired away.

"Was that Deku?!" Soy Sauce Face

"Why were you with him?!" Shitty Hair

"Why was he here?! Did he follow us?!" Dunce Face

"What did you talk about?" Long Ears


( Sorry I just had to use their nicknames that Katsuki gave em XD )

Some people in the cafe looked at them and thought- 💭Nosy children ._.💭

"Shut the hell up! Keep it down!" Katsuki whisper-yelled.

The Bakusquad all took a seat and looked at Katsuki to explain what the fuck just happened.

"Yeah that was Deku. I saw him, so I just came over. He said he was just enjoying a day off at the cafe, and that it was just a coincidence and he didn't follow us." 

"Do you believe him?" asked Kiri.

".... Yeah. I do."

Everyone's eyes widened a little.

"Tch.  know when he's lying, ok? And he can't lie very well in the first place."

"What if he faked it though?" Jirou asked.

"HA- that damn nerd? Like he could pull that off with me, I SEE RIGHT THROUGH 'IM."

( Cocky- lol )

"But it's been a long time since you've seen him right? What if he's a better liar now?"

*le sigh* "I know that, but what made me sure that he wasn't lying, is that smile he gave at the end. You all saw that right?"

They all nodded.

"You think someone who's lying would give that smile?"

No answer.

"Exactly." Katsuki leaned back in his chair and gave a smug look.

Yup cocky XD Anyways, after that they all kinda ate in silence, and if any conversation, it was small. Btw they used the money Deku gave em lol. OK NOW- back again to the time Deku just left- but from his point of view. Now I'm going into first person mode lol.

Deku's POV

I take out some money I was saving and decided to give it to them. None of them are taking it, well I guess it's understandable for them not to trust me... I sigh and place the money down on the table, give one last smile, and walk out of Lava Java. 

Dammit my tea.

I head back to the LOV base and opened the door, "I'm bac-"

"YAHA!!" I'm greeted with Toga tackling me.

"Did you get us anything?!" she asked excitedly.

😅 "Ahaha.. well you guys didn't ask for anything soooo, no."

"eEEHehHH I wanted to try the stuff there at Lava Javaaa!"

"Why don't you just go there yourself?" Dabi asked as he plopped down on a chair.

Villain Deku!! [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now