~ 𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚠𝚘 ~

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Regulus was a surprisingly affectionate parent, even though he was raised by arguably one of the most unaffectionate families. He had always made sure Beatrice felt safe. And yes, from time to time he did get frustrated with her incessant crying, but he was her father, and he knew it was his duty to find a solution.

He was so young when parenthood was thrust upon him. He was in love. He was a fool and he thought his lover would stick around after Beatrice was born. Clearly he was mistaken.

She fled the moment she had time to herself.

She left Regulus and Bea alone for 2 whole years, and one random Thursday afternoon, she decided she wanted to visit and claim her precious bundle of joy. She knocked on the door and had quite the heated talk with Regulus about how she was sorry and how Beatrice was still technically her child. Regulus didn't think so. He thought if she'd have stayed to be a mother, then Bea would be her child, so he slammed the door in her mother's face.

5 months later she was found dead in a ditch.

Beatrice, in fact, does recall the day Regulus heard the news. He hated her, but he really did love her.

Andromeda says - "The fiercer you can love, the fiercer you can hate."

Bea remembers the somber grey blue feeling that settled upon the house like a thick fog. Regulus sat there for hours, scanning that line of The Daily Prophet repeatedly; processing and mourning and hating and loving. Beatrice remembers sitting in concerned silence for her father. She knew there was something wrong, but she didn't know how or if she could talk through it with him, though she was only two.

Regulus didn't ever approach this subject. Nobody ever asked him, and he never shared.

Looking back on it, Beatrice always wished he had gathered enough courage to be weak and broken in front of her because she knew she would treat him well.

In these moments of contemplation, she always just wishes she had her dad.

                                        -  1991 -

Beatrice slid her cart into an empty compartment on the Hogwarts Express. The Tonks slightly overpacked her, leaving room for only one more fairly small person. Beatrice sighed, surrounded by 3 brown carry on suitcases, 2 large boxes, a considerably sized cage for her new Barn Owl, Leena. Bea grabbed her book from her over-the-shoulder bag, and cozied in for the long ride to Hogwarts.

A boy with the most unrelentingly messy black hair stepped past her compartment, clearly looking for a place to sit. This boy had a defined jawline, and very peculiar - almost glowing - green eyes.

"Is there room for another?" he asked.

Beatrice chuckled. "I'm afraid not. Maybe you could put your things in another compartment and sit here?"

"No that's alright. I'll just find another place to sit," he said. "What's your name, by the way?"

"Oh, I'm Beatrice Black."

He smiled. "Well hello Beatrice Black, I'm Harry Potter."

"THE Harry Potter?"

He groaned. "Please don't," he rolled his eyes and Beatrice sniggered. "But, yes. I'm THE Harry Potter."

"Awesome. See you around, Harry Potter."

"So long, Beatrice Black," said Harry. He slid past her door, continuing his hunt for a free compartment.

𝑳𝒆𝒈𝒂𝒄𝒊𝒆𝒔 ~ 𝘉𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘳𝘪𝘤𝘦 𝘉𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘬 (𝘢𝘯 𝘰𝘤)Where stories live. Discover now