Chapter 3 - Just Another Day

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Rainbowdash had just completed her homework. She leaned back on her chair, stretching her arms and groaning.

Clothes were strewn all over the bedroom floor, Daring Do books carelessly thrown around and bed left unmade. The room walls were painted a sky blue, wooden floor creaking beneath the girl's footsteps. Rainbowdash's desk was littered with homework and a few framed pictures of her family.

Despite the state the room was always in, Rainbowdash treasured it because it had a rooftop that led to a picturesque view of the park. She was always told not to climb up there for safety reasons, but secretly did it for the past 17 years of her life. She especially admired the view at night. She would climb onto the roof and admire the constellations in the sky. It was as if she was in a whole other world. The girl could ramble about it for days. If only I had someone to share it with.

Yes, Rainbowdash obviously had friends. But most of the time her close friends are males, which Rainbowdash's protective parents would never let into her room with her alone. "Who knows what they would do while we aren't looking," Dad always said.

But what they didn't know, was that Rainbowdash wasn't into guys at all. She had been hiding the fact from her parents, afraid of getting in trouble. She never had the confidence to tell them. Every time she mustered up the courage to confront them about it, she would "nope" her way outta there and return to her beloved bedroom.

Rainbowdash sighed. She flopped onto bed and took out her phone, scrolling though her contacts. Her eyes landed on a contact named
Let's go disturb her, She grinned.


Today 2:14 pm

hey man whassup
Delivered 2:14 pm
Read 2:15 pm

Applejack left her on read. What a wuss.


Today 2:14 pm

hey man whassup
dont ignore me blondie
i know you can see this msg
Delivered 2:16 pm
Read2:16 pm

Still ignoring me huh? RD frowned at her screen. Im gonna actually get bored if she keeps this up.

what the fuck do you want
Delivered 2:19 pm
Read 2:19 pm


let's hang out
im bored
Delivered 2:20
Read 2:20



"HEY AJ! Over here blondie!" Rainbow yelled as she waved her arms about, grasping Applejack's attention. AJ jogged up to her. She was still wearing the same green scarf around her neck, but a different outfit this time. The blonde had her hair tied back into a ponytail, a brown denim jacket on, white shirt and navy blue jeans. She also had these really comfy looking leather boots that had fur around the openings.

"Shut up, idiot. You're gonna attract unneeded attention like yesterday," AJ sighed, crossing her arms. RD was wearing the same rainbow beanie she got from her aunt. She had a sky blue turtleneck sweater on and some ripped jeans, a pair of striking nike shoes to complete the look.

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