Chapter 7 - Dream

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       Applejack had fallen into a deep slumber. She was perfectly warm and comfortable where she was, body aligned with Rainbowdash's as if they were made for each other. Soft snores elicited from the girl's tiny mouth, body falling limp against the other.

    The blonde found herself at the park where she had first met the girl. Autumn leaves were buried under the snow. Trees were completely barren and scattered around the park. Unlike that day, the park was empty of life. There were no couples sat on the bench, no elderly buddies feeding the hungry pigeons, no children chasing one another or screaming. Applejack immediately shivered and noticed her beloved scarf was gone from her neck. She shakily let out a cold breath and rubbed her neck, taking a few steps around the place. What am I doing here?

The temperature dropped rapidly, and AJ felt as if she was in the ice age, as if she had just plunged into the cold arctic ocean. It had gotten so cold. Frantically she looked around for any source of heat, a barrier to shield her from the freezing temperature. Her teeth chattered as she began to tremble in her steps. All of that vanished in a matter of time.

"AJ!" A familiar raspy voice called from behind. A wave of relief washed over the blonde as she turned around to face her friend, smiling. It was a lot warmer now, just the right temperature. There was a sudden change in environment. The snow immediately melted away to reveal the soft green grass underneath. The trees grew back their pretty variants of leaves and occasional flowers. The chirping of birds filled the warm air as the remains of winter withered away. 

"You forgot your scarf," Rainbowdash called as she jogged toward Applejack. She was waving the piece of cloth in the air. AJ sensed a bit of deja vu.

"Thanks, but I won't be needing it now. It's not snowing anymore," AJ refused to question the sudden change in weather. She tilted her head toward the sky where the sun was beating it's rays down on. Rainbowdash flashed a cheeky grin and handed the scarf over. Her fingers brushed against the blonde's, causing her face to flush a light shade of pink. AJ smiled gratefully and gazed at the other girl. She had yet to see Rainbowdash in the summer sun, and gosh she looked stunning. The light hit every feature of her adorable face, silky messy hair glistening in the sunlight. Her magenta eyes seemed to give off a warm glow, luring in AJ's attention.

"Applejack," Rainbowdash started, staring deep into the blonde's emerald eyes. "You're fun and cool to hang out with. I really like you." RD said it with such confidence, as if there was no way she would be  rejected. Applejack's heart fluttered as the words escaped Rainbowdash's mouth. This is so unreal.

Rainbowdash's thumb brushed against AJ's cheek. She gently caressed it and smiled. A surge of electricity tingled through AJ. RD's passionate smile pulled at her heart strings, and she felt like she could melt. She could feel RD's hot breath on her face, lips a few inches apart. Now or never. The blonde's heart exploded in her chest. AJ carefully leaned in, connecting the gap.


The school bell rang through her head like an annoying alarm clock. The blonde's eyes fluttered open, groaning. She felt warmth on her left side, immediately she switched her attention to the figure leaning against her. Rainbowdash's mouth was slightly parted, yet she was snoring like a big baby. The school bell had no effect on her nap. AJ admired the girl for a few more minutes, taking in her features.

All of a sudden she was snapped out of her trance. Her heart pummelled in her chest as she realised the position they were in. Holy shit i just dreamt of kissing a girl i had known for a week. She breathed heavily as embarrassment crept up to her cheeks. They were dusted a deep red. It's fine. It's fine. Weird things always happen in dreams. Me and Rainbowdash are just homies. She eyed the sleeping girl beside her. We're just friends who happen to be leaning against each other, sleeping. Yeah.

AJ then glanced around the walls of the library for a clock. It was a lot dimmer now, seeing as the big hand was point at 6. The library had a whole different atmosphere. It was also a lot quieter now since students had gone home, except the loud snoring of the girl. She snores like a baby. AJ giggled and ruffled her hair while she was still asleep. Her beanie had slipped off and fallen onto AJ's lap. The blonde eventually decided to wake her friend up. She gently placed her novel on the table beside her and shake the girl's shoulders.

"Oi, wakey wakey," She said in a sing song voice. She was responded with a choked snore. She rolled her eyes and took a breath.

"WAKE UP IDIOT!" She whisper shouted in the girl's ear.

RD mumbled something about non-stick pans as her eyes flared open. She shot straight up in a sitting position, eyes darting around the building. "H-huh?! Where am I?"

"Relax, we're in the school library. We fell asleep," AJ giggled, grabbing RD's beanie.

"What are we doing here- ohhh right..." RD glanced at the book placed on the table. She stifled a laugh and took the beanie from AJ, putting it back on her head. AJ stood up and stretched, groaning once again.

"How long have we been out for?" RD said as she stood up, yawning.

"Like four hours."


A grumble escaped RD's stomach. She rubbed her neck as she grew pink with embarrassment. AJ giggled and asked, "Hungry?"

"Heh, yea, wanna go grab dinner?"
AJ nodded.


They were met with silence.

They both just stood there as RD coughed.

"So uh, I don't know this place very wel-"

"Oh yea you're a noob here. I got a place in mind," RD interrupted, eyeing the blonde.

"You like pizza?"

AJ's eyes lit up.

"Heck yeah. You're paying."

RD rolled her eyes and started towards the library exit. "Fine, I'll be a gentleman and pay."

AJ trailed behind, chuckling.

As the blonde left the library, she also left behind the questionable dream of her and her friend. It was nothing but the weird work of a brain, right? Nothing else. She looked at the girl before her who was busy whining about the snow. She kicked, frustrated at the freezing tiny ice cubes. AJ smiled. Nothing else.

update yayyy sorry to keep u guys waiting :D

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