Chapter One

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The night the Phantom of the Opera left with his daughter and lover was a night of turmoil for the Opera Populaire. Messieurs Andre and Firmin had to walk away for good this time around, after all the last time they had rebuilt the opera house, it was due to the Phantom's generous donations. Now that there were no donations, there was no hope for the opera house. It was left to burn until the fires went out, leaving the full audience area scorched and burnt with a few bodies of poor souls who hadn't escaped, one who was the old composer, Monsieur Reyer. Another of these souls trapped within the opera house hadn't died in the fire, however. No, the body of Anderson was strung to hang in the center of the stage courtesy of Olivier who sat in Box Five watching the body gently swing back and forth.

Olivier glared at the lifeless body of Anderson, recalling all he had done to the man the day previous when the sun was still down and the fire was still burning. The fop had been left running across the stage, someone having locked all the back stage doors and the audience area being too fiery to go through. Olivier had emerged from one of the secret passages,  the one above the stage itself. He had then went after Anderson, who somehow believed Olivier had come back to save him…

                                                     ~The Night Before~

Anderson heard footsteps slowly approaching him and looked around to see a boy he recognized from the stables coming toward him, his hands behind his back. Anderson sighed in relief. Finally they had sent someone in after him, and of course it was someone as worthless as a stable hand. Still, it was better than nothing.

"Ah, horse boy, you must be here to save me.. How do we get out?" Anderson had asked, but then frowned as he saw the young man before him smirk.

"So, you think I am here to save you, you foolish man," the stable hand chuckled coldly. Anderson shifted his weight from one leg to the other.

"Why else would you be?" Anderson asked nervously. He took a step back as the stable hand grinned at him and pulled a noose out from behind his back.

"I will make one thing clear before we get to work here," the stable hand sighed, quickly advancing on the fop before him, "My name is Olivier Hutchman. You obviously recognize me as a stable hand, which is what I did here at the Opera Populaire, there is no mistake in that… Your mistake lies in the instance you made the decision that took away what is mine." Anderson stepped and was stopped by a wall.

"W-what is yours?" Anderson asked, "I stole nothing from you, you stupid horse boy!"

"Oh you didn't?" Olivier growled, putting a hand on Anderson's neck to hold him against the wall and restrict his breath. "Did you not take the mask off of my Little Opera Ghost tonight during her finishing number?"Anderson paled.

"Th-the girl? This is about a girl?!" Anderson shouted, trying to break Olivier's grip, but failing.

"Her name is Florence! And this is about her!" Olivier snarled, getting closer to Anderson, "You humiliated her! As if she hasn't had enough to deal with!" Olivier let go of Anderson's neck for a moment, but only long enough to punch him so he fell to the ground. He had then used the noose to bind his wrists and hung him in the rafters by them.

"What do you plan to do with me?" Anderson demanded, his voice cracking. Olivier smirked.
"We'll see."


Olivier smiled softly at the burn scars left on Anderson's face, ones that could almost be considered worse than the Phantom's himself… Standing slowly, Olivier walked back through the open passage door. The sun would be rising soon, and his father would be missing him. They were moving back to the village today…

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