³ don't touch my y/n / end

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"alright, the next five people will be entering the horror booth!"

looking up at lev with a slightly terrified look on your face, you asked, "is someone going to jumpscare us?"



"but don't worry," he put his arm around your shoulders, "i'll protect you!"

and god, were you smiling so hard. your crush has his arm around you! you looked down to hide your face from him before you heard someone whining in front of you.

"akaashi!! i changed my mind, i don't wanna enter the booth anymore!"

"but we're already here, bokuto-san."

"tch, if only i'd convinced kenma to come with me—" kuroo looked behind and saw you and lev together. "oh, you two!"

"kuroo!" lev waved, "we're all going in together right?"

he nodded then smirked. "oh? are you two dating now?"

your eyes widened and lev just chuckled. bokuto looked back and laughed loudly. "I CAN'T TAKE YOUR FAIRY COSTUME SERIOUSLY!"

"says the one who's wearing an owl costume." kuroo remarked.

"eh?! says the one who's wearing a cat costume thinking he'd match with kozume but he wore a character from his favorite game instead!"

"you—! shut up!"

they continued bickering with each other until a guy spoke up, "okay, the next five people, please come in!" so then, the five of you entered with lev behind you, his hands resting on your shoulders as a scary laughing effect was heard in the booth. you two followed the three in the scary hallway. (so the first in line is kuroo, followed by bokuto, akaashi, you, and then lev.)

there were displays of ghosts hanging on the walls, some of them even moving.

"all these ghosts and i still can't find a boo!" lev exclaimed, making you laugh.

kuroo and bokuto stifled a laugh at the russian's remark, then a man dressed as a zombie screamed at them. kuroo screamed back and bokuto was so startled he kicked the man, making you cover your mouth in surprise. "NO! STAY AWAY FROM US!"


"...konoha? W-WHY WOULD YOU SCREAM AT ME?" bokuto's hair deflated and you looked at akaashi to see him with a deadpan look. konoha defended saying it was part of the job.

"konoha, sorry about bokuto-san." akaashi calmly apologized with a bow.

kuroo and lev laughed hard at bokuto's antics, who just pouted at them. after that, you all proceeded to walk through the hallway.

"y/n," lev called out, making you look up at him and he booped your nose with his fairy wand.


"i have something to tell you after this." for some reason, your heart skipped a beat especially when he smiled at you. he's so cute, and for what?

"oh, sure—" you felt a hand grabbing your ankle and you yelped, looking down in horror.

lev noticed it as well and bent down, smacking his fairy wand a little too hard repeatedly on the person's hand that was grabbing onto your ankle. you heard a loud 'ow!' from them and removed their hands from you.

"don't touch my y/n!" silence. "...i mean-"

awkward. silence. all of them looked at the two of you in surprise, especially kuroo whose jaw dropped. lev, who was still in the position bending down, looked at you and smiled nervously.

"your... what?" akaashi asked, blinking a few times.

"C'MON LEV ADMIT IT ALREADY, YOU TWO ARE DATING!" kuroo yelled as he pointed at the russian male, bokuto agreeing with him.

you couldn't even process what he said.

'don't touch my y/n, don't touch my y/n, don't touch my y/n, don't touch my-'



you were all kicked out of the horror booth.

the operators said the five of you were taking too long. it was awkward between you and lev, while he was being teased by bokuto and kuroo.

now, you were all outside the booth with akaashi, leaning on the wall. he asked out of the blue, "l/n-san, do you like lev?"

the sudden question caught you off-guard. "is it obvious, akaashi?"

"just a wild guess." he shrugged, then smiled at you before walking away. "goodluck."

"huh?" you raised your eyebrow and saw lev in the corner of your eye, walking towards you.

"hey y/n, i'm pretty sure i fucked up earlier..." he chuckled, rubbing the back of his head.

you shook your head, "no, no! it's okay—"

"look, i really really like you. this is going to be cheesy but when i first met you, i thought you were reallyyy cute! and since then, i can't help but be happy when i see you!"

your cheeks heated up, blinking twice. when you stayed silent, he continued.

"would you... would you like to be my boo?"

once he asked that question, you laughed. you really are in love with this dork. "boo?"

his hopeful face turned into a panicked one, "i mean—"

"of course, dummy. i would absolutely love to be your boo." you tiptoed to boop his nose like what he did to you earlier, but he suddenly bent down to put his lips to yours. you were startled at the action, but then you find yourself smiling and kissing him back, bringing your hands to the back of his neck.

"look yamaguchi, why is there a fairy kissing nezuko?"

when you both pulled away, you saw him grinning. "also, i'm sorry about sprinkling glitter all over yo—"

"we don't talk about that."

CHRONICLES OF THE HEIGHT FAIRY  lev haiba ✓Where stories live. Discover now