Episode 2: faking death, gaining a carrer and training

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We being where we left off Izuku arrived back with Woz being night time as Izuku follows Woz to a nice house where Woz lives as Woz makes a fake dead body of Izuku and sends it never the forest edge so in the morning they find his fake body

Time skip the till the morning when Izuku wakes up in his new house happy as Woz is eating cereal and watching the news as Izuku is laughing at the fact that they found his fake body as they watch it unfold as Izuku was happy and after breakfast Izuku and Woz trained

Izuku: Woz how will I be able to transform and use my other quirks

Woz: simple we train you have 3 quirks unlocked Advent, Genius, and card weapons

Izuku: so do I 3 rider Forms

Woz: yes Now I want you to go and try and see if a belt will appear in front of a mirror for you

Izuku: ok then?

Izuku stands in front of the mirror as he see all of the creatures come out and hand him a box type thing as they merged into one box thing that is grey

Woz: well then you can use any of your creatures to go a rider form from those Advents

Izuku: cool should I try it

Woz: why not master

As Izuku moves in front of the mirror and holds out the deck as a belt forms on him Izuku is shocked and says

Izuku: Henshin

As he becomes Kamen rider Ryuki

As he becomes Kamen rider Ryuki

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Izuku: huh this is cool

Woz: well then lets train your quirks master

Izuku: ok then lets do this

Izuku trains his 3 quirks for the next 3 months as he finally mastered the Build bottles and drives, all the Advents and different Kamen rider Forms, and all of the cards in the deck of blade so all Kamen rider forms there as Izuku fells more power coming to him

Woz: My lord you are awakening your next set of powers

Izuku: yeah AHhh it hurts though

Woz: well I think you may have awakened a new rider Series Amazon

Izuku: are you sure its also not bugster ahhh

Woz: it may be both

Izuku: its so bad

Woz: hold on you stay in bed and rest now

Izuku: fine ok

as izuku goes to his room as he lies down on his bed as he see some bats staring at him

Izuku: who are you


Izuku: well I can't blame you I can see you have fiends same with me

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