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I would just like to say a few things about this story (yes, this is a little annoying, I know, but I feel it needs to be done) . 1.) I absolutely refuse to claim this as fiction. I leave that up to the ones ( you) who hear my tales to decide for yourselves. 2.) This particular novel may have some down time, but that is nessisary if I am to tell the tale as it was ment to be told. And 3.) I am ENTIERLY open to critisism, questions, or just pure randomness in the comments, and I will do my best to respond, but note: i am typing this whole thing on an IPod, and due to the names, I have spell check off, so be prepaired for my worst, best, and sometimes, my crazyness. THANK YOU, for taking the time to read this, and i will try my best not to leave many of these 'authors' notes.

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