I wake up to the sound of my mother screaming. No, leave her alone.
"You slut!" My father yelled. I shoot out of bed, running to find the voices.
"I'm sorry! Cason, I'm sorry! Please!" kitchen.
I ran downstairs and through the hall.
Hang on. Let me tell you a little about how I got here.
My dad isn't a drunk. Or a drug addict. He's just insane. Mom and I have the scars and bruises to prove it. And I have my lack of childhood. I wasn't supposed to be an only child. Mom got pregnant a few years ago. My father thought one was enough. He told her to "get rid of it." And, when she refused, he did it for her. Even before, he was abusive. I'm 17 now. I think. My birthday should've been last week. I cant remember, I got locked in my room.
I try my hardest to protect Mom. But that really only ends up in more abuse and me getting locked in my room for days at a time without food or water. He comes to do whatever he wants, whenever he wants. But, I can't change it.
Well, at least I have Cymie. She's my best friend. She has been since the age of 5. Anyways....
When I get to the kitchen, he's hovering over Mom with a steak knife. Shit.
"Dad, stop." He turned around, knife in hand, to give me a sick, sadistic, lust filled look.
"Don't hurt her. It's the last day of summer, she goes back to teaching her kids tomorrow. You can't hurt her. Kindergarteners are super observant. They'll notice. Just," I took a deep breath, feeling my eyes sting.
"H-hit me, or cut me. Do whatever. Just not her." Don't cry. That's what he wants. Don't give him what he wants.
"Go to your room, and strip." He said. His voice was deep. The way it always was when he got like this. It's going to be a long day.
*Time skip, brought to you by Joyce's magnet freak out :)*
Pick up my phone, looking at the time. 10:54. I also had 32 texts and 3 missed calls. Damn it, Cymie.
C: morning!
Wake up
What's going on?
is it your dad?
Are you Okay?
missed call: Cym 🧐🧐
The rest are all the same, more or less. I decide to call her back, turning on my bedroom light. She picked up after a half ring, which made me smile.
"WHAT THE HELL. Oh no," Cym's freaking out.
"what is it bad?" I ask, only now worried. She nods slowly, tears in her eyes. I go to my vanity mirror.
"Oh my god." I'd passed out before anything terrible happened. He'd only gotten a few hits in, not this. My entire right cheek was dark purple, my left had the word 'slut' carved into it. deep. I knew that would be there my whole life. I looked down at my body. It wasn't just my cheek. On my stomach was the word 'whore', my thighs both were marked as well.
"Cym. I'll see you in the morning. I need to figure out what to do about this. This will not be easy to cover up." I say.
"Okay. Wait. do you know what tomorrow is?" She asked, excitedly.
"The first day of school?" I asked, confused.
"No, dipshit, It's your birthday!" She exclaimed. She always got really excited for my birthday. I've only ever celebrated with her and her family. I love her.
"Oh! I thought that was last week." I admit.
"Nope. Tomorrow. And Mama's taking us to Cheesecake Factory. Also, you're sleeping over, for a week. I talked to Jadin about it. She said you need a break from that hell." She said in her 'no exceptions' voice. Jadin is my moms name.
"Cym, I can't leave Mom here alone with Him." I say, my heart hurting. I wanted to go. But I was not leaving Mom unprotected.
"Babe, I had Mama call in a favor. There's gonna be a police car parked within earshot all week. She'll be safe." She said. She always knew what I was thinking. It was a blessing and a curse.
"Thank you, Cymie. I'll see you in the morning."
"Okay. Bye. I LOVE YOUUUUUUU!!!" She yells into the phone, making me laugh.
"I love you too."
I hang up, falling asleep smiling for once.
Okay, so I hope you guys like this so far. I'm a pretty shitty writer. Um, to anyone who reads this, thank you so much for your support. it means so much. this story is going to be pretty long, just a warning. but, whatever. I have a very active imagination so things might change quickly. anyway thanks.

Find me
FanfictionWhat did I do to deserve this? I ask my self as I try to cover up the fresh bruises that are starting to form on my body.