t w o 🤩 : people who hate on jungkook are dumb

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people who hate on jungkook are extremely fucking stupid ! 🤩

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people who hate on jungkook are extremely fucking stupid ! 🤩

this obviously isn't an unpopular opinion but it must be said immediately! okay so first of all.. i literally have no clue why so many people hate on jungkook, like wtf- he did nothing to you.. jungkook has literally given his EVERYTHING and i mean EVERYTHING since day one, but people hate on him ?? it makes me really mad because jungkook literally hasn't done anything.. like wtf has he done to make all these people hate on him ?? i'll wait.. EXACTLY, HE'S DONE NOTHING ! jungkook is such a sweetheart like what the heck has he done to make people treat him like shit.. he's worked himself to the point where he passed out backstage for ARMY and he works extremely hard to try and do what he loves along with making people happy, and what does he get in return ? hate from some irrelevant anti's.  if you're jealous of jungkook just say that, if your a coward and have no life just say that..  jungkook does not deserve this hate AT ALL and  everyone can see how hard he works so he obviously doesn't deserve any of the hate he's getting. if you don't like him then that's your opinion, but there is no reason to go out of your way to hate on him and be rude. jungkook isn't even my bias, because i don't have a bias but still i thought this had to be said. 

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oKAY BYE 😟 !

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