...~*Kiyoko Day 1*~...

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Kiyoko POVI really didn't know what to do with (Y/n), I'm scared if that she'll wake up again

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Kiyoko POV
I really didn't know what to do with (Y/n), I'm scared if that she'll wake up again. I brought (Y/n) to the girls room so she can rest in a more comfortable spot.

"Just stay asleep just for a little longer.." I pet her forehead, I sigh and stand up. "I have to find Coach Ukai so maybe I can ask her dad on what to do.." I was gonna pick (Y/n) up but decided to leave her so she doesn't do something to Coach Ukai, but then again leaving her will be a bad option to...

I shook her a little to see if she would wake up but she hasn't, I guess her periods cause her to be a heavy sleeper.. I stood up and lightly rolled her into her blanket so she wouldn't escape it. I stand up and head out the door towards the gym, it's the last matches of the day.

'They seem to be versing Aoba Josai today..' I walk up to Coach.

"Coach Ukai?" I call out to him, he looks up at me.

"Yes Kiyoko?" He stands up.

"Do you have (y/n)-Chan Dad's number?" I ask.

"Yes I do, is there a reason why you want to call him?" He brings out his phone and dials in a number.

"I just need to ask him something." He hands me his phone making me bow slightly. "Is it okay if I talk to him outside?"

"Sure." He says and sits down to continue to watch the game. I walk outside and put the phone to my ear.

"Hello? Ukai whats up?"

"Hello, I'm Kiyoko Shimizu. I needed to ask you something."

"Oh- Hello! Ask away."

"(Y/n)-Chan is on her period and I don't know how to handle h-

"She's on her period?! Oh gosh- Okay, Shimizu, I need you to do me a favor."


"You need to keep her away from anybody, Including yourself."

"Yes I've figured that out but how do I keep her in one place to where she can't find anyone?"

"You have to trap her in a room or something, but you guys are in a school so that's gonna be hard...where is she right now?"

"She's in the girls room, I rolled her in her blanket so she wouldn't escape easily."

"That should do for now but she'll become stronger.."

"Why don't I just watch her?"

"Because she becomes way to irresistible, when I took her to the doctors for a check up the doctor almost fell for her so I had to run out the hospital.."

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