CHAPTHER 1~ Meeting the sad boy

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Jin Just finished his job for today. He and his friend Namjoon walked together to the train station, they were joking about how their day went and plans for next week, since it was their week off.

"So Hyung what you up to next week?"  Namjoon asked after they both paid for their ticket. Jin went into thinking mood as he had no clue what he was doing. He shrugged his shoulders.

"i have no clue right now... probably  just chilling and catching up with other things"

Namjoon nodded his head and continued talk about what he's going to do next week.

After 20 minutes of waiting for their train, It had finally arrived. Both boys got in and sat down with a sigh of relief  because they really wanted to rest and eat. Few seconds later the doors shut and made it's way to the next stop.

"I'm so glad It's Friday, this work has been getting to me lately and there is so much I can't  do." Jin sadly said. Which was true. His boss keeps giving extra work, leaving him with more over time and staying up late. Jin really hates that because he gets less free time and doesn't get to hang out with his friends. Jin wishes he didn't agree to  the offer of more work, He could of have avoided all.

"Hmm. I feel sorry for you, that you get all that. That is a lot of work for you to handle. I honestly don't how you do It hyung. But hey, I'll be here for you and I can stay round one night If you want?"   Namjoon said giving Jin a big smile.

Jin is so thankful to have a friend like Namjoon, He wouldn't know what to do without him.

"Thank you Namjoon, you are amazing" he smiles back and giving him a hug.

The train stopped at spine east station. The doors opened, letting some people out and some in. Before  the doors shut, a boy ran in. He was crying and looked sad, maybe lonely too. He sat near the window across from Jin and Namjoon. This caught Jin and Namjoon's attention, they both looked at each other wondering if they should talk to the young boy.

The boy stopped crying but his head was down so no one could see his face.

Jin decided to get up and go over to the boy. He was a little nervous though as he don't know this random boy.

"Hey... are you ok? why are you crying?"  Jin asked feeling slightly worried. He gave the boy some space Incase he didn't want to be touched. The boy looked up slowly. You could see the sadness in his eyes.

"Y-yeah, I'm ok. W-well... my dad hates m-me and told m-me to s-stay away. S-so you could say he kicked me o-out..." The boy eyes watered again as he stuttered out his words. Now he thought he was annoying everyone, Just like  how his old friend left him.

"ohh... I'm so sorry that happened. What's your name kid?" Jin sat next to him to give him some comfort.

"It's J-Jungkook..." Jungkook leaned in to Jin's touch as It was making him feel better. He doesn't know why the person is comforting him.

"aww cute. my name is Jin. how old are you Jungkook?" Jin was trying to calm the boy down and make him comfortable.

Jungkook looked up at Jin this time wanting to make sure he was actually listening to him.

"I'm 19..."

Jin nodded and smiled "Well feel free to call me hyung because I'm older then you. I'm 22. Oh and over there is my friend Namjoon and he's is 21. He is nice too. why don't you come home with me?" Jin offered the boy.

Jungkook wasn't sure if he should go with him. He doesn't know him or his friend. What If they try to hurt him like his dad did? But then part of him wanted to go with him because he suddenly felt safe with this man. 

Jungkook nodded his head as a yes. If things go wrong he could run away. "sure and thank you. I won't be a bother too much..." Jungkook breathed out.

"Ah don't worry about being a bother because I would love to have someone to stay with me as I get lonely on my own" Jin helped the boy up and went over to Namjoon.

Jungkook met Jin's friend and started to get to know them both, he was some what feeling better. The train stopped and all three boys got off making their way to Jin's home. Namjoon wanted to come round to help Jin and now Jungkook too.

Also Namjoon kept feeling something, like he was in love a little. He was really starting to fall in love with Jin but he kept it to himself as he didn't know If it was for sure he loved him. Maybe he loved Jungkook too? 

25 minutes later~~

They made it to Jin's home safe. taking off their shoes and coats. 

"Please Jungkook, make yourself at home. I'm going to make dinner, who's hungry?" Jin went to the Kitchen.

"Me!!" both Namjoon and Jungkook said at the same time, making Jin smile, as he did not want to be the only one eating at this point.

"okay. Go clean yourselves  up and put on comfy clothes, the both of you. Jungkook you can borrow mine and we go shopping another day for you." Jin half shouted.

Namjoon and Jungkook went to sort themselves out while Jin was cooking.



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