You're a Montague!?

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"Uhm, hello. I'm your partner. My name is Romeo." He said smiling.

"U-Uh, s-sorry." Juliet said, rushing to put her book back in her backpack. "I-I'm Juliet. I hope we can work together." Juliet finished.

"Me as well." Was all Romeo said.


"So did you meet that Juliet girl?" Mercutio asked Romeo during lunch.

"*Sigh* Yeah... She's cool, I guess..."

"Bet you wish you were partnered up with Rosaline, don'tcha?"

"S-Shut up." Romeo said turning into a blushing mess, looking away.

"Nope!~" Mercutio teased, "Wait. Have you ever even talked to her?" Mercutio asks in disbelief.

"Well how can I!? She's beautiful and smart and outgoing and-"

"Alright that's enough, Romeo." Mercutio stopped him. "I don't need to hear anymore." Mercutio said fake tearing up, "I don't want you to leave me!" Mercutio whined.

"Yeah, whatever man." Romeo said, still blushing walking out into the hallway.


"Mom, dad, I'm home." Juliet said walking into her house.

No one responded.

"*Sigh*" Juliet liked being at school much better than being isolated at home.

"Welcome home." Juliet's mother appeared out of nowhere.

"U-Uh, hello mother. Where is father?"

"In the backyard, the nurse is with him as well."

"I see. Thank you."

The nurse; Juliet's personal friend and bodyguard, about 16 years older than Juliet. She's young and only about 32. Very beautiful and confident. She started working as Juliet's nurse when she was 16, Juliet was just born, and the newborn's parents needed help desperately not knowing what to do with a child. The nurse was 16 and wanted to be a parent without all the hassle of a partner, so she eagerly took in the position to be Juliet's nurse.

"Have you ever wondered what would happen if you fell in love?" The nurse asked a small Juliet.

"We would have children and love each other forever!" Juliet responded.

"No no. Love is painful. Love hurts. Love can be happy, but sad as well."

"B-But wherever there's rain there's a rainbow, right?"

"Yes I suppose, but the fact that there's rain means somethings wrong."

"S-So if I love someone I can't ever let there be rain?"

"It's unavoidable. So I suggest to simply never be in love."

"Hm...I guess..." A small Juliet pondered the idea of never being in love and hated it. "I'm going to be in love one day!" She announced.

"Fine. Fine. It's your decision not mine." The nurse had given up in trying to persuade this stubborn little child.

"Nurse! Father!" Juliet yelled into the backyard.

"Oh! Darling you're home!" He gave her a hug.

"Working on the roses again I see." Juliet said with a smile.

"Yes, the leaves were wilting, I swear it was those dang Montagues!"

"What could they have possibly done, Father?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2021 ⏰

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