Chapter One: New Job

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Danny sighed as he plopped down into his chair. It was his first night here at Phantom's Pizza Parlor, as the night guard, and he was already on edge. His job was to watch the animatronics and make sure nothing happened to them during the night. The air was silent, the only noise being the small beeps of the computer screen showing the cameras and the small fan running behind him to keep him cool in the hot building. It was so quiet. Too quiet.

He startled and almost fell from his chair when the phone suddenly began ringing, the sound peircing the silence; and his employer, Jack Fenton, came onto the line.

"Hey Danno! I called to tell ya some things to remember! You have limited power every night, and you have to be alert. Why? I'll tell ya! I'm not sure why, but the animatronics move at night. Sometimes, when I get there, the past guards were no where to be found."

Danny's jaw dropped as he stared at the phone in shock and horror. "What the fuck?" he whispered to himself, glancing at the doors on either side of him in fear. The way he had said that with such enthusiasm was really freaking him out. It was almost like he wasn't surprised and he expected it to happen. What the hell is wrong with this place!? He just needed the money! Not the whole be-careful-because-there's-a-chance-you-might-die-and-your-body-won't-be-found experience.

"Don't worry though! Everything's gonna be fine! Just don't run out of power and check the cameras! If the animatronics see you while they're walking around...I have no idea what happens!"

The new guard's cobalt eyes widened in fear.

"It can't be good though so just close the doors and use the lights to check the halls! Anyway, that's all for now. Have a good night Danno! And I hope to see you alive and kickin' tomorrow!"

The black-haired 16-year-old groaned. "It's going to be a long night isn't it?" he asked himself before he relaxed and leaned back into his chair, looking at the cameras. All of the characters were there and still as a statue.

"Good." He muttered to himself.

There were three characters on the main stage. The one in the middle was named Phantom. He was the most popular character because of his elaborate green light shows and hypnotic singing. He looked around 18 and had silvery-white hair in a similar style to Danny's own. He had tan skin and glowing electric green eyes that would make any woman swoon. He wore a black T-shirt with a white blood-stained zip-up hoodie, black ripped jeans, and white and black combat boots. He had an insane grin on his face with blood splatters; and to complete the look, a bloodied knife that was always in his hand along with a white, black, and neon green microphone in the other hand. His look added to his popularity because of the horrific and insane design of it. He was the only one who somewhat resembled a human, and actually felt like one to those who got close enough to touch him. Some even said they could hear a heartbeat and he radiated warmth.

The second one, to the right of Phantom, was named Sam. She was a purple bat-like woman that played the bass guitar. Sam wore a black mid-drift tank top with a purple rose in the middle and the bottom was shredded. Big black bat wings were folded neatly on her back and a tattered black skirt went down to her knees. Silky black hair brushed just above her shoulders and dark purple, almost see through, bat ears stood proudly on her head. Her feet were bare and resembled a bat's while a thin coat of purple fur covered her entire body. Danny supposed that her black clawed hands made it easier to play the bass and her seemingly sharp amethyst eyes made it even easier. It had been explained to him that the animatronics actually did play their assigned instruments. Phantom's singing was never explained, but he figured it was maybe a recording or something.

The last one, to the left of Phantom, was named Dani. She was a blue rabbit like girl who looked about Danny's age. She was a favorite of many of the boys that went there to eat or have birthday parties. Black bangs hung in her blue eyes and a high ponytail hung behind her furred neck. Blue rabbit ears popped out of her hair and the tips faded to white, while she sat behind a drum set with her upper body hovered a bit over it as if protecting the expensive instrument. Her hands were paws with small sharp claws at the ends of her fingertips; like Sam's but silver instead of black. A little bit of buck teeth could be seen poking out from underneath her upper lip. This was the same for Sam but with fangs, and Phantom but with canines; and his were more visible due to the grin that stretched his face. Dani wore a red longsleeve which was shredded at the ends with a blue shortsleeve hoodie on top, and blue capris. She didn't have shoes either, just mouse paws that were clawed with the same silver claws.

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