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"Hey Jada" a random girl says as I walk though da hall ways I've been at school of course I just been skipping classes back to back because I could care less to be honest

Of course they call my brother to tell him but do I care? No I actually could care less

Bout to tell they ass my brother got a new number and change it to mines cause

I'm tired of my brother telling me to stop skipping my class he just don't know how boring them bitches is

Right now I'm basically looking for jahseh little fast ass we was gon skip 4th period today cause we can

You ever heard some one failing gym class well now you have

I literally have a 0.10 F in that bitch because I don't change to my gym cloths and I don't run the track when I been told to

I turn the corner and there jahseh was sitting on the stairs , he loom high asfuck

"hi baby you look like shit" he laughed and stood up , "i missed you" he said as he wrapped his arms around my waist

"i miss you more , you have no idea" i said as i bring his face down and peck his lips

he grabbed my neck as we started having a full blown make out session in the halls

"you ready to go?" he asked as he pulled away from the kiss i shrugged my shoulders looking at him

"alright imma go use the restroom wait for me"

After 3 minutes he finally came out he grabbed my hands as we started walking towards the back of the school

he is so fucking adorable he had his blood dreads down and the black ones in a pony tail which was so cute

He open the car door for me and I got inside he's such a gentleman he got in his side and started driving we was driving for a little while trying to find some thing to do and some where to go

At one point we ended up at this park full of kids he even played with some of the kids and told me how he wants kids in the future


"You want some to eat because I'm hungry as hell right now" jahseh said driving around some buildings at this point I don't even know where we was going

"I want Chinese food" I said putting my feet on the dashboard  He looked at my feet but he just looked at me and continued driving

"you don't even know how sexy you are bae" he said as he put his hand on my thighs slowly rubbing it

"actually i do know but thank you my love" he laughed as he shakes his head

we got to the Chinese food place and jahseh went in as i sat in the car waiting

after some time he finally got back in the car with the food and driving us to his house

didnt know how to end dis-

rewritten 2024

rewritten 2024

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