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2 day later

Jahseh was some what mad at me I don't know why , I don't remember doing anything to make him mad I tried hugging & kissing him this morning and he just walked pass me I don't know what I did

yesterday i slept over at his house like always and i woke up next next to him and he just angry...

He also didn't talk to stokeley or any body this morning it's like he tuning every one out I don't know why he's like this

I wanna try and talk to him but I feel like he's gonna yell at me and I'm sensitive and I will cry if he yells at me

"Hey jada" I heard stokeley said we all wanted to stay after school today and just walk around the neighborhood for a little while since we didn't have nothing better to do at home

"Hey stokeley" I replied giving him a side hug it's funny how jahseh walking with us but he can't talk to us like what typa shit is this

"Jahseh are you okay you haven't been talking to us" I said walking beside him he looked at me and rolled his eyes I honestly don't know what I did

he was just talking to me last night but now he's mad at me for no reason at all

"Bitch stop talking to me" he said walking by me I stopped walking and just stared at him as he walked away

i would slap those dreads of his head but you know what he got it!

"Aye vro I know you mad but don't be calling her no bitch" stokeley said grabbing jahseh shoulder Stopping him from walking away

"I don't care vro don't fucking touch me" he said removing stokeley hands away then he pushed him

"aye wassup with you you've been acting weird since this morning and you haven't say not one word to us" Isaiah said we were all confused on why he was acting like this

We and jayla stood next to next to each other waiting for the boys to finish having there little meeting with jahseh

"Do you know why he acting like this" jayla asked me as she turned to face me "no we all confused here" I said crossing my arms

she nodded and we waited for them to finding talking after a couple of minutes they all cane back

And for some reason jahseh was mugging the fuck out of me and I don't even know what I did to him I'm confusion

"Okay come on let's go" stokeley said looking at me and jayla we started walking we honestly didn't know where we were going at the moment

"Jahseh you okay now" I asked I just wanted to make sure he was okay , he ignored me and started walking faster now I'm really starting to think I did do some thing

After a while we went back to the school and I got in stokeley car I refuse to be in a car with jahseh right now he still haven't talk to me and Halloween is in two more days

Stokeley drove me home and I went inside it was empty no one was home I wonder where they went

My phone started ringing and it was jayla I picked up my phone "hello woman" I said into the phone

" hey bitch tomorrow you wanna go to the mall with me" she asked I wanted to get my mind off some stuff so of course I said yes we stayed on the phone for a couple of hours

She had end off ending the call cause she was going some where with her mom I was bored I would always call jahseh when I get this bored but I feel like he would yell at me or just ignore my call

I made me some food to eat and just stayed in my room watching scream this is like my 5th time watching this movie

"i got a text from my brother saying they were at naveen moms house

I stayed in my room just watching tv and thinking i think I did do some thing to make jahseh ignore me for the whole day today

I stayed up all night just thinking about jahseh and trying to remember what I did wrong....

rewritten 2024

Tell me a moment where you laughed at sum serious

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Tell me a moment where you laughed at sum serious

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