Chapter 3

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The rest of the school day went by pretty smoothly and before I even knew it, school was over.


I packed all my supplies back into my school bag and waited for Hayato to do the same aswell. Once that he was finished we both headed towards the daycare room. It was a silent walk there, not an awkward one, it was pretty nice, not having kids whining and crying or students chatting among each other which leads the voice volumes in the hallways increase. I wanted to stay like this forever, unbothered, but all good things come to the end.

Running out the door was a shouting Taka with boat in hand. "Water race!" He yelled impatiently dragging me with him. BONK! Hayato hit the top of Taka-kun's head, causing the little boy to burst into tears. "Don't do that learn to be patient." Hayato scolded. "Hayato! No it's ok really, there wasn't really no need for that." I say trying to get Taka to calm down. "C'mon let's go inside the daycare room." I say carrying Taka in my arms.

Once I entered I felt something hit my leg. I looked down and see that it was Kotarou. "Sorry about that, he was sad because you didn't come during break to help build the boats. Don't worry though, I helped them out and already setted up the racing station." Yoshihito-san says. "Thank you! I'm sorry I didn't come during break I got caught up with work." I say trying to cheer Kotarou up. It seemed to work because he let go of my leg.

"Alright everyone, whoever was your partner to build the boats earlier today will be your teammate for the race." I say while walking towards a long but not deep container that contained water inside. "Who wants to go first?" I asked the kids. Expected everyone had their hands raised. I let out a sigh not really knowing on what to do. Hayato then takes a coin out of his pocket. Out of no where he tosses it in the air.

"Taka, heads or tails?" Hayato says suddenly. "Heads!" Taka responded instantly. The coin landed on heads. "Takuma, heads or tails?" Hayato said tossing the coin in the air again. "Tails!" The boy responed, the coin landed on tails. "Ok, tie breaker, Kirin, heads or tails?" Hayato said for a third time tossing the coin in the air again. "Tails!" Kirin yells out before the coin falls into Hayato's hand. "Kirin and Takuma's team will go first, since the coin landed on tails for Kirin." Hayato explains.

Kirin and Takuma stood besides each other with their paper boats in hand. "Ok place your boats in the water and when I count to 3, without using your hands, blow onto your boat's until it hits the other side of the container." I told the little kids. "1...2...3!" I say and Kirin and Takuma were off to blowing against their paper boats. "Thank you for helping on whether who's going to go first." I whisper to Hayato with a smile on my face. "It was no big deal." Hayato said with his face turning the opposite direction.

"Ha I won!" I heard Kirin shout as Takuma was still struggling to make his boat hit the end. "Ok then, Kirin you'll be heading off to the next round." I tell the little girl who had a smile on her face. "Ok Midori and Kazuma you're up!" Midori and Kazuma put their boats that they built in the water and waited patiently for me to count. Midori insisted for Yoshihito-san to put her on the ground, and only used his hands to help her walk. "Ok ready? 1...2...3!" As expected, Kazuma won the race.

"Alright, Kazuma and Kirin will be in a team now and go up against Kotarou and Taka." I tell them. "Ok Kirin, put your boat in the water again, and you do the same Taka!" Taka was showing off the boat that he had built towards the reast of the daycare. "Ok ready? 1...2...3!" I called out. Once I said 3 the two kids didn't hesistate to start blowing their lungs out towards their little boats in hopes to win. The race was pretty close but Taka ended up winning.

"Bleh!" Taka said to Kirin showing off that he beat her. "Don't get ahead of yourself you still need to win the next match, stupid." Hayato tells Taka, quickly shutting him up. Kotarou and Kazuma were up next. Repeating the cycle they put their boats in the water. "Ok get ready!" I called out. "1..2...3!" I said in a louder tone.

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