The Sound of Apocalypse: Infection + Prologue

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The Emu Bio-Tech Corporation has been developing a bioweapon called G6-37, which is meant to be a formula that will transform anyone injected with it into the ultimate Australian Soldier, one that doesn't die, and is incredibly strong.

But a few months ago, over in their test lab in Perth there has been an outbreak of what the public has called 'Infects'. Apparently at the very start when the Prime minister first authorized Emu back at the start of 2015, they had a chemical spill which mixed with F2-13 an attempted cure for cancer and created a gas, that when inhaled would instantly manifest anyone who inhaled it into a flesh hungry Infect.

They managed to contain the few people who inhaled it, by then people had named the virus 'Flame'. Somehow, they got out a few months ago, and that's when we found out how the disease worked. Once bitten the toxins spread into your body. However, you only turn into an Infect when dead. Also, when an Infect is starved it doesn't die, but rather it rots away until it's nothing.

Infects have a very high blood pressure, and do not require much blood to the brain. Some of them run rather than walk depending on their condition. The only organs it needs to survive are the liver, heart, spine and two parts of the brain called the 'bed nucleus of the stria terminalis' and the 'cerebellum'.

So, it could be shot or stabbed multiple times in the head, and still not die. They do pass out however, and it is much easier to make them pass out then it is to kill them. When they eat, they digest the substance in their mouths meaning they don't have to swallow.

One more thing, when Infected with the flame virus and prostate cancer at the Same time, it will result in a mutation into what's known as a Wrathite, A giant humanoid monster, big hands and strong enough to crash through walls. It has no sense of sight or smell but can hear EXTREMELY well.


June 7, 2017

I was watching the TV, a soft drink in my hand, and my feet up on the coffee table. Then the news interrupted my show. "ATTENTION." Said the woman on the TV "All citizens must proceed to wellington point at once. We have reports of mass killings spreading acro-" Then the tv cut to static.

That's when I heard a crash outside. I opened my curtain and looked down on the road Three floors below. There was a grey car crashed into the side of a tree.

I ran out of my apartment and called the elevator and stood and waited.

Then I heard a groaning behind me. I turned around and across the hallway saw a man with black sharp fingernails, hands covered in blood and a big chunk taken out of his chest. "Holy hell." I said, "Paul? PAUL ARE YOU OK"

A woman then came around the corner holding a big suitcase and bumped into the man. "Oh my gosh." She said, "I'm so sorry." Paul turned around fast and slashed her chest with his fingers, she fell to the ground in a heap. My elevator arrived. Should I help her or go and leave her. Blood spurted from the gashes on her chest chest.

Paul fell to his knees, stuck his hand deep in her belly and pulled out a great chunk of flesh and entrails.

I couldn't watch any more, I stepped into the elevator and smashed the illuminated button with the letter 'P' on it. the door closed, and the elevator moved down. I just watched a woman die. And I did nothing. The Elevator stopped at the ground floor and a man ran in and started hitting the close button repeatedly.

I looked out the elevator and, in the lobby, I saw a man being held by his head by a pair of massive hands that belonged to a massive THING that looked as strong as the Hulk, but its head was too small for its body. The man's head finally popped like a balloon filled with blood.

The elevator doors closed and moved down toward the car park. we looked at each other, both of us equally confused and terrified. The elevator reached the underground car park and the man started to run toward the exit. "WAIT!" I yelled. He suddenly stopped and looked at me. "WHAT IS IT?!" he replied.

"Follow me, come on, I know a way out, I have a car in here."

He thought for a split second before running back toward me. "Lead the way. Quick."

We ran toward my four-wheel-drive on the bloodied asphalt and over the dead bodies. I open the door and climbed into the driver's seat. The man climbed into the passenger seat.

Then just a I started the engine and walking corpse bashed up against the window of the driver's side door. I quickly reversed the car and turned it toward the exit ramp.

When the car got onto ground level, we saw the horrors of reality. The road we covered in crashed cars, leaked petrol, blood, and dead corpses, some with ripped open torso, some with missing limbs, and some with walking bodies feasting on their entrails.

We drove past it all staring out the windows until we reached the freeway. "I'm Alex." the man finally said.

"Sam... my names Sam."

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