The Sound of Apocalypse: Chapter 6 - 12

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MARCH 31, 2018

Amelia saved me three days ago. Still no sign that Alex is alive. We sat around a campfire that we build in the carpark of a Caltex petrol station that was along the Princes highway, close to Millicent. Probably not the safest place to have a fire, but it had food and drink inside. And that was a good enough reason for us.

Amelia had been quiet the past few days, I felt like I was just getting in her way, every now and then she will shoot me a dirty look. But she had given me food, so I stuck with her. "We can't stick around forever Sam." Amelia advised

"Just another couple of day, he is bound to show up."

"Yeah, as an Infect."

"Well even if he in an Infect I want to see him, to make sure he is ok. But if he is an Infect, I will kill him, it's what he wanted."

An image of Alex as an Infect appeared in my mind. That thought of pointing a gun against his temple, and being the one to pull the trigger, is almost too much for me to handle.

I felt my eyes go glassy at the thought, Alex was always there, but now he is gone, and I am stuck with a woman I barely know. "Stop being such a sulk, I have seen my family been eaten alive. Their guts laid out before me, and then they turned. And I was the one who killed what they had become." She explained

Then I heard the crushing of dead leaves behind me. I quickly whipped around to see an Infect stumbling towards me. It had long patches of hair, there was no hands at the end of its arm but instead there were blood covered stubs, and no lips, exposing its sharp bloodied teeth. I jumped up and pulled out a switchblade that Amelia had given me.

I then heard to cock of a gun. And then there was a bang. Then with a splatter of red the Infect fell to the ground. I turned around to see Amelia putting a giant revolver back into her black, blood speckled, satchel. "What the hell Amelia?" I barked

"What is it?"

"That was loud, it could attract Infects, or even a Wrathite."

"So what, I can handle it."

"That not the point you need to be more careful."

Amelia went quiet again and just blankly stared at the fire. I then let out a big yawn. I was getting tired, and the fire was going out. "I might go to sleep; you should come in to." I said wearily.

She didn't respond. So I headed in to the back room of the petrol station where we set up beforehand, Amelia had a sleeping bag, I had a ripped blanket, I took my ripped Wallabies singlet, shoes, and take my switchblade out of my cargo shorts before taking them off and laid down on the cold tiled ground. I wrapped myself up in the blanket, switchblade in hand, and tried to fall asleep.

I woke up in the morning unbelievably thirsty. I threw the blanket off me and stood up. I then walked over to a unopened box full of two litre bottles of Fanta with my switchblade in hand, I flicked up the blade and sliced the box open. Once I cut a circular hole in the top, I took out a bottle of Fanta, unscrewed the it letting the lid drop to the floor, and just skulked down the warm flat drink.

Once It was about a third of the was done, I stopped drinking, picked the lid back up, and screwed it back on. I took out another bottle from the box and walked over to my backpack and slipped them in.

I then realised Amelia's stuff wasn't here, and neither was she. I gone into panic, I rushed outside into the carpark. Her car wasn't there either. 'She left me' I thought. I stood there looking out onto the road hoping to see her car. But I didn't. all I saw were a couple of infects and a few old wrecks that used to be cars.

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