The Sound of Apocalypse: Chapter 1 - 5

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MARCH 23, 2018

We drove along the road in our defender, the back seats have been taken out, so we could fit 2 mattresses in, an esky, a portable cooker, a generator, and weapons.

I was lying in the back reading whilst Alex drove. "We're here. Mount Gambier."

I sat up and looked out the window. We drove along the road, completely empty except for a few scraps of rubbish and Infects. To the left there was a shopping centre. "Hey Alex." I said.


"Do you want to stop by that shopping centre? Maybe take some stuff."

"It looks like the main shop out of the whole town. You sure it would still have stuff in it?"

"We won't know until we check."

Alex lets out a big long sigh. "Ok." He said with a concerned tone in his voice

We pulled into the parking lot and parked the car. I grabbed a duffle bag, bolt cutters, a combat knife, a walkie talkie, and a handgun. And Alex grabbed a few things of his own then we got out of the car.

It's been 9 months since the day it hit. I have have seen brutal thing and although I don't like showing it to Alex, I hate killing things, not even Infects, but I must do what I have to, to survive.

We walked through the car park Infects dotted around everywhere, we've learned not to interact with them unless they attack you or get in your way.

An Infect then stumbled from behind am old car. Its stomach area was torn open, its guts were hanging out, and its face was growing moss on it.

It slowly started to growl and walk toward us. Alex pulled a crowbar out of his backpack and walked toward it and stood about a foot away from it and swung the crowbar at its left leg. Slicing it halfway up.

The Infect fell to the ground with a scream. Alex then lifted the crowbar and swung it down into the Infects head splattering blood all over the lower half of his body. "He's not getting up anytime soon." Said Alex.

We approached the main entrance with a sign above it saying: 'MOUNT GAMBIER MARKET PLACE'. But the shutter was over the automatic glass door. "Must be another way in." I exclaimed

"What about a... fire exit."

"Good thinking."

We walk along the side of the building until we found one. "BINGO" Alex whispered.

We looked down to see a chain padlocked tight. "That's what these are for." I said pulling out the bolt-cutters. I put the lock in between the head of the bolt-cutters and closed it making the chains fall to the ground.

Then Alex pulled his blood covered crowbar and shoved the head in between the doors and pried them open. The doors opened, and a noxious odour poured out. It smelt like ash and rotting flesh. We walked in and the smell got worse, my nose felt like it was on fire.

I had my handgun out ready. We walked down the passageway until we entered the main lobby of the shopping centre. We looked around there were at least 16 Infects and 2 Wrathites. As soon as we took a step in, two Infects started stumbling toward us. I raised my gun, but Alex lowered it. "Got to be quiet, otherwise the Wrathites will hear us." He whispered.

"Right, Got it."

I put my gun away and pulled out my knife. I slowly walked toward one of the Infects and dug my knife deep into its temple and then pulled it back out. Then I shoved it into its neck and pulled it down making a great split running from the top of its neck to its lower chest exposing its insides, whilst also spilling blood all over me and the floor.

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