Day 164

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Dear 'Wattpad' Diary, 

The day is arriving, it's Thursday, the dance is in two days. My mother told me that if we dont take pictures for her facebook "followers", she'll kill us. By us, I mean Justin and I. My dress will be posted in the side bar on Saturday, Day 166. 

To be honest, my family and friends are more excited about this dance the I am. I don't know why, but I am running out of things to talk about and Justin keeps showing up. If I hear, how's life, one more time, I will kill someone. 

We have bonded over my new love for Psych. Lately Cara, another one, has not been my friend. Cara, a twin of another girl, is upset at what happened at lunch. I sit with a bunch of my friends, Ellie, Madison, West, and Josh. Our assistant principle, Mr. B, calls Josh J-Cat. We called the table the Cool Cat's Lounge. I'm the vice pres. We were trying to talk about private things, like healing friendships. Things we didn't want other people to hear about. 

Cara came over to us and tried to talk to us, we told her to go away. Cara was in front of the garbage, so they threw trash, like always. Now she's mad cause I told her to go away. Wow. 

Bruh, what? 

I need some help!!!!



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