Chapter II

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*Outfit: the below dress, white t-shirt underneath, white trainers
*Hair: wavy, one side pinned back

*Outfit: the below dress, white t-shirt underneath, white trainers *Hair: wavy, one side pinned back

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Entering the restaurant area, we found the others sat at a table. As soon as we approached, I felt Noah's eyes scanning my body making me feel rather self-conscious, "thanks for waiting" I said more towards Drew, "no problem, shall we get going?" He asked with a smile and before anyone else could reply, "hell yeah!" Peyton quickly said while heading towards the buffet table. 

As I slightly bent over to reach the bread at the back of the counter, I felt a body pressing against mine from behind, while a hand rested on my waist, "oh yeah, love me some good bread" Noah said while reaching for the basket with his free hand.

As he took his sweet time, "does he not understand the concept of personal space?" My mind protested, but my body couldn't help but respond as my heart pounded against my chest.

When he moved to a different section, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, "what was that about?" Peyton asked amused with an eyebrow raised, "he was just getting some bread" I replied nonchalant, "yeah right, dude looked like he was fucking you from behind" she bluntly said, making my jaw drop.

Feeling embarrassed noticing random people standing around us, I threw my bread at her. Bouncing off her chest, it landed on the plate she was holding, "thanks" she said while picking it up and biting into it.

"Seriously though, he's clearly hitting on you" she continued while I carefully tried to pile more food onto my plate. With a scoff, "the guy went through high school ignoring my existence and advising his friend to go after someone else, I highly doubt that" I pointed out.

"I say go for it" she said while stealing the slice of cheese I was holding before shoving it into her mouth, "buffet is right here babe, and no thank you, you know I have a strict no fuckboy policy" I reminded her as we made our way back to the table, "all I'm saying is, have some fun" she said with a wink and for a split second, I was actually considering it.

Taking a seat between the cheese thief and no boundaries guy, "can't wait!" Noah said in excitement, "can't wait for what?" Peyton asked curious, "for graduation" Drew replied equally excited, "after years of busting our asses off, we're finally done" Noah added with a grin, and I couldn't help but smile, "are you at the same university?" I asked, noticing Addison being more interested in her phone than joining the conversation.

"For the last 3 years I've been doing a PCDA while Drew did business and economics at uni" Noah proudly explained, "PCDA?" Peyton asked confused and I must admit, I had no clue what that meant either, "Police Constable Degree Apprenticeship" he clarified, pleasantly surprising me, "wow, didn't take you for the police type" she said equally impressed, "well, chicks dig a man in uniform" he said with a smirk making me roll my eyes, "never mind" I thought to myself.

"I hear you want to be a kindergarten teacher" Drew said turning everyone's attention on me, including Addison's, "yeah" I replied with a shy smile, "she's already got a job offer for when she graduates" Peyton proudly said, "that's awesome!" Noah replied with a grin, "congratulations" Drew added, making me smile at their support.

But my smile faded when, "oh that's right, you used to babysit a lot to help your family pay bills, my dad even gave you some money once so that you wouldn't get evicted" Addison casually said, making my heart drop.

Grabbing hold of Peyton's wrist from under the table to stop her from yelling profanities at her, I felt both embarrassed and angry. That was nobody else's business and it wasn't her place to tell.

Wanting to move away from this awkward situation as soon as possible, I opened my mouth to say something when, "not everyone is born into wealth, some of us actually have to work for things instead of letting daddy pay for it" Noah jumped in earning himself a glare from her.

While Peyton tried to stifle a laugh, she looked over at Drew expecting him to defend her, but since he was conveniently chewing on a mouthful of food, he didn't say anything. Hiding her disappointment with a fake smile, "I'm well aware" she said while getting up, "don't be too long, the slopes are starting to get busy" she concluded before walking away.

"Sorry about that" Drew said with an apologetic look which I returned with a smile, "not your fault" I replied making him nod. Letting out a sigh, "I better go after her" he said before excusing himself and leaving.

As soon as he was out of sight, "I'm going to need alcohol if I'm going to have to deal with that bitch all day" Peyton said while getting up, but before she could walk away, "you can't ski while being drunk" I pointed out, "fuck, is there cake?" She asked more to herself while walking away.

Turning to Noah, "thank you for the help" I shyly said, "don't mention it, you're very sweet for helping out your family" he replied with a reassuring smile. Avoiding his gaze while fidgeting with my napkin, "during high school my dad got sick so couldn't work much, my mum picked up two jobs to keep us going but we still couldn't afford the medical treatment so I did what I could, even if that wasn't enough either" I explained with a nervous laugh, feeling useless, "that's why Addison's dad gave you money" he said making me nod.

Feeling a hand resting on mine, I looked up and our eyes met, "you did what you could, that was enough" he said with a soft smile, giving my hand a light squeeze, "thank you" I replied, only just realising how much I needed to hear that, "how's your dad now?" He carefully asked, "healthy and strong as ever, back to driving my mum crazy" I said with a grin, making him chuckle.

When I started to get lost in his eyes, I bit my lower lip and reluctantly pulled my hand away, "I should go find Peyton" I said as I got up, "see you later" he said as we exchanged a smile.

Walking towards the buffet, I took a double take at the girl sitting by herself a few tables away, "what are you doing?" I asked amused, "just giving you two some privacy" Peyton said while biting into the last bit of her chocolate cake.

Noticing a menu by her hand, "is that why you were spying?" I asked with a smirk, knowing she was hiding behind it like she had done on a few restaurant dates I had gone to before, "you know me so well" she proudly said with a grin, as we made our way back to our room.

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