| Kurapika x Reader | Dead Trouble

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"The underworld for this new generation is, interestingly enough, a bustling city as the now deceased Kurapika has learned. But with a life time worth of regrets still weighing upon his now unbeating heart, the young man dares to dream of venturing out of this metropolis to seek revival for himself. And you, his assigned reaper, has decided to join him, no matter what the outcome may be."

And with perhaps a million regrets still lingering upon his heavy soul...

Kurapika Kurta passed away.


There was a humming in his ear the young man had noted, it wasn't a voice mind you, far from it in fact given its mechanical nature. And the blond had a solid guess as to what it was even before his eyes had open. The seat he was in was all too familiar after all, where else could he have felt such leather?

Eyes peeled open at last, Kurapika beheld the familiar sight of a car's interior, from the passenger's seat strangely enough.

Just who was driving him?

"Ah, you're awake."

Some suspicious stranger in a suit apparently, their eyes meeting his through the mirror, squinting in a way to suggested the presence of a fond smile. "Nen is no longer a thing now I'm afraid," the driver remarked causally upon sensing the Kurta's fearful malice. "Though you still can by all means force your way out of this car, I'd suggest you take a look out the window before you do just that."

And at the suggestion, Kurapika did as told, taking a peek at the outside at the expense of what must have been his breath.

Pitch black darkness. An endless abyss with not a thing in sight 'cept for the so-called 'road' illuminated by the car's headlights. Needless to say, he'd be a damn fool to try to go out there.

"Hey..." the blond called for what is now his sole companion of sorts. "Did...did I-?"

"Die?" His driver finished off for him. "Because to answer that, yes, yes indeed you did. And I'm currently taking you to our underworld."

'I see, so I ran out of time...'

"Hell?" The androgynous male could not help but inquire. "And through a taxi at that?"

He heard a chuckle escape by his side. "Hell?" The woman asked rhetorically. "Is that what your religion told you? Because rest assured the world is not so cruel to put you through such a torture, you'll see the place for yourself. It's quite pleasant."

"So Heaven?" Kurapika gasped out, not quite believing his luck.

The driver sighed however, and proceeded to repeat themself. "The underworld, okay? You monotheistic people are always the hardest to get through I swear."

Right, the Kurta did indeed turn to Catholicism whilst in mourning for his kin, even holding ceremony with their eyes once in a church. Though even he had to admit that it was more out of a convenient source of solace than an actual pursuit of the faith, whatever that means really.

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