Chapter 2

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In the shadows outside the rec hall, Hogan saw Broughton and Addison lingering around the corner of the building. Foster, identified by the neatly combed blond hair shining under the moon, strode boldly up to the guard. He saw a pair of shadows sneaking through to the guards' side of the camp.

As he ascended the steps of Klink's quarters, the savory scent of the kitchen reached him. Oh, he could smell it, steak and vegetables and mashed potatoes... real coffee. And was that tea? Hiedler must be a tea guy.

He knocked lightly before pushing the door open, "Kommandant? Herr Hiedler?"

Klink leapt to his feet, trying at the last second to hide the fact that he'd startled, "Colonel Hogan. We're just about to start. Sit down, please," His voice was just barely tense with the fact that Hogan had better behave himself.

Hogan sat down, "Herr Hiedler," He nodded, "Your stay here at Grand Ole Stalag 13 has been pleasant, I hope?"

"Not terrible," Hiedler wasn't a particularly well-built man, although it was probably a stretch to call him fat. He looked like he hadn't slept properly in weeks, which was probably the truth. He eyed Hogan suspiciously.

Hogan turned to his meal, "Long ways from home, is it?"

The conversation continued, on such mundane things as travel and places to see and things to do, mostly between Hiedler and Klink since Hogan wasn't familiar with much of Germany. Of course, he hadn't really been invited to dinner to make conversation, just to sit there and look cowed.

He glanced surreptitiously at his watch. Any time now.

"And you know the wildlife is so -," Klink's rambling was suddenly cut off by the blare of an alarm.

All three leapt up, "An escape!" Klink exclaimed, "Wait here, Herr Hiedler, I will return shortly," He ran for the door, grabbing his coat.

As soon as the door slammed shut behind him, Hogan turned to Hiedler, "Hiedler, then? Any relation to that Charlie Chaplin knockoff?"

"Do not speak of him like that," Hiedler said steelily.

Hogan rolled his eyes, at the same time Klink's furnace swung aside and Carter popped up.

Hiedler's eyes widened and his mouth opened, "Guar-mm!" He was cut off as Olsen clamped a hand over his mouth.

Hogan grabbed his arm, "Come on, Carter."

The American grabbed his feet and started to tug him down, but Hiedler lashed out, squirming away.


Kinch, just coming out of the kitchen, grabbed the candlestick sitting on the end table, swinging it hard at the man's head.

Hiedler collapsed.

Carter winced, "Ouch."

"That's what he gets," Hogan shrugged, hauling him up, "I think he could stand to lose a few pounds."

Carter pulled him down, "Alright. Thanks, I guess."

As Hogan shoved the furnace shut again, he heard a pitiful groan, and then, "Aww, shuddup!"

He smirked a little, and turned to the wine bottle sitting in the bowl of ice, "Come on, boys, let's celebrate."

"We got to do it in the kitchen," Kinch said, "LeBeau won't leave his soup."

Hogan smiled and waved them ceremoniously into the kitchen.

As they were savoring their first glasses, another alarm went off. There were Garlotti and Joseph. Hopefully the kid would be okay - Hogan had to admit he was a little uncertain about sending Joseph on an escape attempt, he'd never done it before and despite the fact that they did have many of the guards in their pockets, it only took one man to fire a gun. But Garlotti was with him, and the two were thick as thieves - as were Barnes and Davis, the other escapees. They'd take care of each other. Broughton and Addison had a simple job, really, one could have done it, but the rec hall was a distance from the Barracks and it was easier for two to sneak than one - if one was almost caught, the other could draw attention their way, and vice versa. Newkirk, Baker and Carter would be doing fine, he doubted Hiedler would put up too much of a fight - Kinch was their boxer, but that wasn't to say the others couldn't also knock the man out flat. He'd feel a little bit more confident about Foster's role if he had Cohen with him, but the man was a preacher. He could talk the guard's ear off if he had to, and he had to. Speaking of which -

"LeBeau, you ought to grab some ginger or honey while you're in here," He said, "For Cohen."

LeBeau took a deep swig of his wine - despite his ramblings about savoring good cuisine, he seemed to prefer it in quantity over quality, "Oui, I have," He pointed to a small pile of things set on the counter, "Ginger, honey, some tea and sugar. And cumin."

"Cumin helps with coughs?" Kinch asked.

"No," LeBeau shook his head, "That's for me."

Just then they heard gunshots.

Hogan sprung up, almost spilling what was left in the bottom of his glass, "Something went wrong."

"What do we do?" Olsen exclaimed.

"Stay here," He ordered, and ran out the door. Which side of the camp had it come from?

"Hey!" He saw the two shadows standing in the lee of the building run up to him.

"Broughton, Addison, where'd they come from?" He asked.

Addison pointed east, and Hogan took off, "Get Foster and get back to the barracks, both of you."

All the searchlights were trained on the area, and Hogan pushed past the rifles that automatically went his way, "Let me see my men," He snapped.

"Hogan!" Klink growled, and spun around, "What are you doing here?"

"We're okay, sir," Davis said, and Hogan's heart slowed down. A bit.

"You're clutching your bloody arm," He said dryly, "How bad is it? Is it still in there?" He gingerly pulled Davis' fingers away but he gripped it tighter.

"Just grazed it, sir," He was pale, "It'll be okay."

"Go get that stitched up," Hogan ordered, "Barnes, go with him." Maybe if they were out of sight, Klink might forget?

No such chance.

"Absolutely not!" Klink snapped, "Schultz, escort him to the infirmary. You -," He jabbed a finger at Barnes, "Are going straight to the cooler! And your friend will be joining you as soon as his wound is stitched up. Langenscheidt, bring him to the cooler."

Langenscheidt reluctantly tugged Barnes away.

Klink glared, and then looked back at Colonel Hogan, "Back to your barracks, Hogan." He turned to stride away.

"What about dinner, sir?" Hogan put in politely.

Klink stopped, turned, and glared at him, "Shut up."

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