Part 9

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Authors Note: I know the drama about Carson but in my original plan he was a big part to it but I am deeply sorry if it makes you triggered and if so just tell me and I will change him out for someone else that is not in the story yet now onto the story.

Eric's POV

 After I followed Schlatt to the roof he just chilled and talked as he was messing with a juul stick. "Hey you vape?" I asked as he messed with it more "No I just stole this from John," he snickered like if it was really important to the guy named John "Oh.. well can I try it?" I asked curious about it. He gave me a look of confusion "What..?" I asked concerned. "Ah well I didn't think a goodie two shoes kid like you would wanna vape.." Schlatt said. I laughed and took the pen "Don't judge me by how I act Schlatt,!" I look a puff and felt relieved. "Been a while?" Schlatt asked "Yeah mine wasn't working anymore" I said handing the pen back to him and laying down. "This is nice up here Schlatt!" I said as he laid down next to me

Schlatt's POV

 'who would've thought a goodie two shoes acted was lying bout their identity'   I just smiled and laid next to him. He seemed so innocent. I wanna learn more about this guy "So what middle school did you go to Eric?" I asked as I opened my phone up to go through twitter. "I've been in home schooling my entire life so, none." He said just staring blandly into the sky. "Wait really?" "Yep," He said "So like have you had any friends or anything? Any girlfriends?" I ask and he just cringed "Nope I never really liked going out and meeting people so I stayed inside a lot just by myself," He said "Damn well you make pretty good conversations for someone who stays inside a lot." I said to him. As time flew by the bell rung for second period "You know what Eric it was nice talking to ya up here. Lets go to class now." I said getting up.

 Surprisingly we had second period together and I just stayed with him until after lunch. Once we separated, I went to go look for Charlie or Carson. "Hey Schlatt!" I recognized that voice a little to well "What do you want theater kid.." I turned to meet William but he is known as 'Wilbur Soot' "I said to stop calling me theater kid Jonathan.." "Hey shut up I told you not to call me that in public!" I whispered to him "Fine Mr. Grumpy pants anyways, I was wondering where were you during first period I know your usually late but you didn't show up at all today." He said as he seemed to pout a little "I was late to school Wilbur."  "Now your just lying to me I saw you walk into the cafeteria this morning. "Then why didn't you check in the cafeteria?" "Well I did you weren't there but I waited like 5 minutes and you still didn't appear so I went to class." He said as he pouted once more "Stop pouting you sound like an omega.." "Don't say that Schlatt you know I am a beta!" "Well your acting like an omega whenever you pout so." I said as I chuckled at his reaction. He sniffed the air "Schlatt." I guessed he smelt the great scent of my alpha scent. "What you can't resist my scent of cinnamon?" "No Schlatt, were you with an omega.?" "What? No." I responded confused "Schlatt don't lie to me.. were you with an omega?!" I put up my hands in defense before he completely lashed out on me "No I was hanging out with the new kid..!" Wilbur proceeded to grab my shirt and sniff it  "Stop it you weirdo!" I yelled at him and pushed him off. "It's a mix of and alpha and an omega scent and-" He looked at me "WERE YOU SMOKING AT SCHOOL AGAIN JONATHAN SCHLATT?!"

Meanwhile with Eric and Quick POV change to the washroom

'Ugh I smell like smoke dammit Schlatt why did I have to hang out with a guy that smokes..' I whine in my head, I pat my clothing trying too get the stench off of it before I go to my next period "Did I bring any cologne?" I whisper to myself as I search through my bag "You missing anything?" I turn behind me and see Cameron with my bottle of fragrance. "Cameron how the hell did you even get that?" "I grabbed it out of your bag duh, anyways here" He handed it to me and lean onto the sink next to me. "So Eric what are you doing instead of going to our next period?" "Stuff." "Mhm so where did you go with that guy this morning?" I forgot he saw me. Shiver went down my back as i thought of something to say, I didn't know what to say, my am I worried about this, it's not like Cameron would be mad at me. "I was ju-" "Why do you smell like smoke, ew" He said as he scrunched his nose and looked away. I sprayed the fragrance on myself to smell decent. 'Wilbur! Stop!" I heard someone yell as they slammed the door to the bathroom. I look over to the door and see Schlatt he has his back against the door  holding it from being opened "Oh hey Eric!" He said to me "Hey Schlatt, do you need help?" "Yes, thanks." I helped him hold down the door a little bit longer before hearing a monotone voice and their get distant "Thanks Eric! Anyways how have you been?" Schlatt said as he put his arm around me I looked up and saw that Cameron had a look. I looked away from him and back to Schlatt and had a casual conversation with him as we walked out the door since I didn't want to be late to class.

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