ONE night

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Kova Anderson, 17-beverly eagle-volleyball player-theatre girl-complicated relationship with jordan

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Kova Anderson, 17
-beverly eagle
-volleyball player
-theatre girl
-complicated relationship with jordan

Kova Anderson, 17-beverly eagle-volleyball player-theatre girl-complicated relationship with jordan

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Jordan Baker, 17
-Beverly QB
-super popular
-lowkey manwhore
-nice but stupid
-we love him


And ofc the rest of the All American cast

The beginning
Saturday Night party

Jordan's pov

"I should probably go check on my friend. I ditched her." The blonde girl pulls away from the heated kiss.

"She'll be fine. When we left she was talking it up with JJ. Plus do you really want to stop this right now?" I gesture to the fact that we were both naked in one of the random rooms in JJ's house.

"You're right." I watch as she jumps on top of me.

I leaned over to the night stand in hopes that JJ would stock up the rooms with condoms. He sure did.

I smirked at Jenna.. or Jenny I don't even know her name.

"Yay." She ran her hands against my bare chest as i unwrapped the condom.

I was having a blast at this party.

Of course i never planned on seeing this girl again.

I think it was pretty clear for the both of us that this was a one night stand.


This book doesn't strictly follow the plot but will be close... sorta ... not really...

I hate following plots so im probably going to change it up

Hope u enjoy

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