Chapter 1

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Savanna's POV

I walked through the halls of my school. I hate being the most popular girl in school. I became popular because I'm an actress, therefore the popular girls made me part of their clique, not that I wanted in. I never wanted nor do I want to be that popular girl that peaks in high school, I'm grade 10 and everyone wants to be my friend. The story I want to share with you starts when I was walking through the halls when Jacob, the one of star athletes, who thinks he's better than everyone walks up to me.

"Hey!" He says walking beside me. At the beginning of this year, I had a HUGE crush on him and felt bad for him because he was new and didn't speak very good English. He joined the football team then became a douchebag.

"Hey Jacob, what do you want?" I said all annoyed.

"Slow down mamacita, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out Saturday?" He asked. Oh god, the half of me who still had a crush on him screamed yes but my logical side said to say no. I had to think of something quick.

"Maybe." I say. I walked away into my next class, math. Last class of the day. Even though it was a Thursday, I was still happy. When I got home, I've had the house to myself! My mom and grandmother are taking my sister to a tutor across the city, and my dad was on a business trip. Four hours of me time. The last bell of the day rings and I walk to my locker. I grab my stuff and walk out to wait for my bus. During a Chinook, the weather is really warm, so in the middle of January in can be like 12 degrees Celsius. Just then my best friend, Nikita, walks up to me.

"Hey Sava! Look, can you Skype me tonight? I got some important stuff to talk to you about." She says walking away. I got on the bus where the middle school kids bully me. You read that right. The little kids try bully me, I just don't listen. I get off at my stop and walk into the empty house. My two dogs, Ocean and Shadow run up to me and knock me over. Ocean is a big mutt, we don't even know what he is, Shadow is a Border Collie, German Shepard cross. The kissed me and I got them off, eventually. I grabbed my computer and put it on the counter. I turned around because I forgot to close the door, the went back to my computer. I opened Skype and waited for it to load. I had memorized Nikita's number almost. I typed in the number up until the last number. Now was in zero or eight? Damn! I'll just put zero and hope for the best. I pressed the call button and waited for an answer. It ringed about five times. I figured she wasn't on yet and was about to shut it off when the call connected.

"Hello?" The person on the other end asked. This was a man, not Nikita.

"Hi, uh sorry, wrong number!" I said before trying to hang up, having my hand slip and shaking trying to press the "end call" button.

"Wait what? Oh, no problem. " He said laughing, probably at my panicked face. God, why am I trying to hang up? This is one of my acting idols! I basically worshiped him. "What are you trying to do?" He asked still laughing.

"Well I just got a new computer and just got Skype too and I'm having trouble hanging up." I said, still trying with my shaking hands to hang up.

"Awe! Don't go! Please... I'm at my house by myself and I was bored until you called." He pleaded. Even though he's a famous actors, he's still a stranger, it's not like "hey yeah calling my best friend on the telephone". I didn't know what to do and he had these sad puppy dog eyes, so I gave in.

"Fine." I say and he laughs again.

"Okay, I'm Will, Will Poulter!" He says introducing himself.

"I'm Savanna, Savanna Mill." I say repeating myself like he did.

"Really? Oh my goodness! I saw that movie you were in! I can't remember the name but it was good and so were you!!" He says and I blush. Holy cow, my acting idol has watched me act. Jeez.

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