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¶ Painful confession ¶

Watching him yelling at his mother harshly while scolding and blaming her for their separation, She could not take it anymore and stood between them blocking his sight and cutting his talks.

'' Enough. Just enough. From the last hour you are blaming her for our separation like if you don't have any guilt or blame.''

She paused staring hard at his eyes and added:

" You are not innocent in this matter, you are the one who threw me out not she''

''But she instigated me to do it and blackmailed you to say all that things, so she is the one to be blamed''

''Yes, she did but don't you have your own decisions to do? Or at least stand behind your deeds. Stop blaming others every time you do wrong. Remember when you blackmailed me to marry you? You also blamed that man for your behaviours and now your mother. If you weren't convinced by their talks you wouldn't do what you did. So you are also guilty because of your blind trust''

She wiped her tears and said what was paining her heart from months knowing very well that it will pain his heart as well but She could not hide it anymore.

''You are guilty for trusting everyone but me. You know that day when I was saying all that things, I had hope inside me telling me that you will not believe that facade and you will understand and read my eyes but you didn't and despite that I still had the hope that you will just get angry and never pushed me out of your life like I did every time when you hurt me, but you didn't and it took you seconds to throw me. I expected you to behave like me at least but you didn't. I never left you despite all your deeds with me and every time I ran to be on your side forgetting about myself and my pain. You did wrong to me many times but I am still here with you but what about you? You turned your back to me from my first mistake. No matter what happens, if I was at fault or you, I am always the victim.
But you know what is funny? The fact that I am still here beside you, supporting you despite everything. ''

He couldn't raise his head and look at her after her painful confession. She was right, totally right on her place. He didn't disappoint only her but himself also.

He loved her and trusted her, yes. But not enough to hear her soul before hearing her words.

And it pained both of them and costed them, a lot.

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