Chapter Four

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*Sakuras's POV*

After a long conversation night with Ino, I finally got some information about my past self. I asked Lady Tsunade to let me work in hospital again because even if I lost my memories I still used medical ninjutsu and still had all those information in my had. This is weird. Like really weird.

I was on my way from hospital when I heard Naruto yelling. ''HEY SAKURA-CHAN!'' I turned back and saw him and Sasuke coming in my direction. I started shaking. I haven't talked Sasuke since I was out of hospital. I wasn't avoiding him, he was my boyfriend I guess but he haven't talked to me yet. What's wrong with him?

''Hey, Naruto,'' I smiled. I noticed how Sasuke avoided eye contact with me. ''And hi Sasuke.'' I said. That's when he looked at me. The idea of him feeling bad popped in my mind. I were or I am his girlfriend and now I forgot about him. He might feel really bad.

''What are you two doing here?'' I asked them.

''Me and teme wanted to see you since Sasukes too sh-'' Sasuke punched his Naruto's arm.

''Shut up you dobe. '' Sasuke said. This is second time that I heard him talking. He's voice is so cold and mystic. It made me want to see his soft side. 'You might have seen' said my inner. I didn't knew I had inner. Shut up inner. I said and wondered why do I have inner when I don't need it. 'You sure need me!'

''So you guys wanted to see me!'' I say with a grin and look at Sasuke again.

*Sasuke's POV*

Sakura again looked at me. I try to avoid eye contact with her but it's nearly impossible. How can I not look at her beautiful face? Her eyes? Her emerald green eyes...

But whenever I look at her, I release she doesn't remember me or love me. It hurts, it really hurts. I know after what I did I deserve it but feeling that she might never remember me slowly destroys me...

''Can we walk you home?'' asked Naruto. Sakura slightly nodded her head and we continued the road. When we passed Ichiraku's ramen Naruto yelled ''I FORGOT MY DATE WITH HINATA!!!" that dobe really is troublesome. Great, now I sound like Shikamaru.

''SORRY SAKURA-CHAN!'' with that he left me alone with Sakura.

*Sakura's POV*

Naruto dashed out and left me alone with Sasuke. I could tell he wasn't so happy with it. We were quiet for some time. Then he spoke:

''Sakura'' he said. I turned to Sasuke with all my attention.

''Yes, Sasuke?''

''do you know...'' he stopped.

I helped him. ''that we were dating? Yes, Ino told me.'' He's face was totally saying 'Thanks Kami'.

"And I would like to know more about you.'' I added. He was silent for a moment.

''Then... What do you say if we meet at ichiraku's?''

''Sure! When?'' I questioned.

''At 8.'' I nodded and went inside my house. I were really excited! Even if I didn't knew why, I was still so happy! I may not love him but invisibly I think I'm tied with him. I want to know so hard why I loved him, maybe this could help me remember my past!


I was ready to meat Sasuke. I was so nervous. I hope this ''date'' will go well. I want to have a good relationship with him. Not like boyfriend-girlfriend. I want like...well I don't know.

Gosh I want to know so darn much why my old self loved him! Yeah, I'm still me but without my memories I guess I'm a little different.

I have visited my parents and they told me some old stories but non of them helped. Ino told me that tomorrow her and my other friends will come and we will walk around the village and they help me remember some stuff. Ya know I'm curious by who my other friends are, what are they like, what they love and all the memories that I had with them. Ino said we were best friend's group in whole konoha. It's so good to have trustworthy friends!

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