Imagine 10 - Elizabeth Olsen

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Imagine having a night talk with your girlfriend Elizabeth about your future :

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Imagine having a night talk with your girlfriend Elizabeth about your future :

" where do you see us in the future?" I ask Elizabeth. You see I have trust issues because of my last relationship. They left me with nothing so I have been scared to be in a relationship ever since but Elizabeth changed that.

Elizabeth let out a small smile and began to speak
" Well, I see us getting married. It will be a beautiful ceremony and we will have everyone there and it's going to be a great big celebration. We will travel around the world and take a bunch of photos in each city or country. With those pictures we make a scrap-book that we will look at in 60 years from now and laugh at how crazy we were. I see us adopting kids. I was thinking three. 2 boys aged 4 and 6 and 1 girl aged 1. We will tell our kids when they grow up the adventures we went on. I imagine us supporting them through anything. If they come out as Bi, Gay or anything we will support them. I imagine us when we start to get older we move into a nice and small cottage. We both will live a happy life together and no one will ever get in between us. Yeah we might have an argument every now and again but after the argument we will realise how stupid the argument was and forgive each other. After arguments we will cuddle and kiss all night. When the kids are still young we will get a babysitter and I imagine us going out on amazing dates. If one of us get sick I imagine the other being by their side through everything. I imagine our kids perusing whatever job they want. They can have whatever job they want and I will support them unless they are a stripper then I might be a bit weary of that."

I giggle a bit. I look at Elizabeth with a massive grin. She turns and faces me also smiling. We both realise that our eyes are watering.

I lean closer to her lips. We share a passionate kiss

"I love you so much Elizabeth"

" I love you too"

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