Imagine 60 - Captain Jack Sparrow

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Imagine seeing Jack running towards the ship after he is being chased:

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Imagine seeing Jack running towards the ship after he is being chased:

I waited on the ship for Jack. I take a sip of the rum in my hands. My hat was loosely placed on my head.

In the distance I see running. I squint my eyes to see if I can see what's going on. After a few seconds, it became more clearer.

It was Jack and he was running away from a massive group of people. He looks back and screams sprinting towards the ship.

He shouts "start the ship". I go to the steering wheel and move the anchor below. The ship starts moving.

Jack was really close to the ship so I go the the side of the ship and hold out my hand for him so he can abored the ship.

"Hello cap" I said. He smiles before walking to the steering wheel. We sail away and we were now far away from the people who were chasing him

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