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The End 

Braelynn's POV

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Braelynn's POV

*knock knock*

*knock knock knock knock*

I keep knocking and sniffle while trying to keep my composure as I stand outside Mackenzie's door.

The door swings open, "It's 2 in the morning- Braelynn what are you still doing here?"

My composure crumbles and a sob comes out. She steps out of her room and closes the door before pulling me into a hug.

"Braelynn what happened"

"H-he cheated on me Mackenzie."

She doesn't respond but she hugs me tighter and I cry like a baby.

"Braelynn I am so sorry." I pull away and try to wipe my face but the tears keep falling.

"I don't k-know what to d-do with m-myself." I hiccup and she looks at me with the most sincere look I've ever seen.

"I can't sleep, I can't stop thinking about h-him."

"Brae your gonna make me cry." She says and I can see the tears building in her eyes too.

"Mackenzie I can't- I can't do this..." I slide down the wall and sit on the hallway floor. "I can't escape my thoughts and it's like- *hiccup* no matter what I do I think of him."

I put my head in my hands and cry. It's been a day, 1 day since we broke up and I'm like this. Completely broken. The night we broke up I texted everyone that I went home early because of my mom so no one bothered me yesterday and Viki left early so I was able to be alone all day today but tonight I needed to tell someone.

"It's been a day, a whole day and he hasn't even tried to contact me, it's like he doesn't even care."

"C'mon lets go down to your room I'll stay with you tonight." She holds a hand out for me and I take it. I wipe my eyes as we walk down the hall then down one flight of stairs to my dorm.

I push the door open and we walk in together. I get in my bed and she gets in next to me.

"I've never felt this empty in my entire life." I say while staring at the ceiling.

"I feel like there's a piece of me missing- and there's n-nothing I can do to get it back." My voice cracks and I turn my body onto my stomach and put my head in my pillow to muffle the sobs.

Mackenzie rubs my back as I cry myself to sleep.


My eyes flutter open and I sigh. I turn over and see my empty bed and room before stretching. I sit up and just like that, I'm conscious and everything that sleep allowed me to avoid is back.

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