Run for your life

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It was the weekend. Dylan wakes up early and prepare breakfast for everyone as usual. Since it was weekends, Doug and Delilah can spend more time with their puppies. All the dalmatians went to the park to have some quality time together.

At the park.......

Doug: Isn't it great? Spending some quality time with your family.

Dolly: You two are hyped today.

Delilah: Yeah, hanging out with all of you are kinda relaxing to be honest.

Dylan: Yeah. It is a fine day. Ok mum, I going to see my friends.

Delilah: Ok, and be safe.

Meanwhile at the canal....

Fergus: Come on Big Fee, you're holding us back. Hurry up.

Big Fee: Don't rush me. Let me enjoy my breakfast first.

Sid: We should have woke her earlier.

Fergus: Agreed.

While they were waiting for Big Fee. But suddenly, Fergus saw a group of humans crossing their path. And one of have Dylan's photo in his hand. The thugs started to ask questions to other human who was standing near the canal.

A thug: Hey you! Have you seen this dog anywhere?

The human: What this dog? This kind of dogs will be all around the town. But there's a house I know, which many dogs like this live.

The thug: Where is it?

The human: 101 Dalmatian Street, No.101.

After that, the thugs were gone. Fergus was kinda shock.

Fergus: Hey guys, did you see what I see?

Sid: Why are they asking about the dalmatians? Especially Dylan?

Big Fee: Maybe it's the goons of the crazy lady that tried to kidnap the puppies?

Fergus: Cruella De Vil? Could be. We have to warn them. Let's go guys.

Fergus, Sid and Big Fee rushed to 101 Dalmatian Street as quick as possible. Finally, they reached the house. Fergus strated to knock the door.

Fergus: Dylan!? Dolly!?

No response. Fergus started to look through the window.

Fergus: Looks like nobody at home.

Sid: Wait! It's the weekend.

Big Fee: They must be at the park.

Three of rushed to the park.

At the park.....

Doug: Ok, we had enough fun for one day. Let's go home. Is everyone is here?

Delilah: Dylan, count to confirm.

Dylan started to count his siblings.
But suddenly, the counting was interrupt by Fergus and.......

Fergus: Finally, I find you guys.

Delilah: Fergus, what's wrong with you?

Fergus: I think..... Cruella De Vil is back.

Puppies: Aaaaaaaaaah!!!!

Everyone started to get freaked out.

Doug: Everybody, calm down.

Delilah: Didn't you saw her? Where did you saw her?

Fergus: I didn't, but I saw a human holding Dylan's photo and questioning about him from other humans.

Dylan: About me?!

Fergus: Yeah, your photo.

Dylan: Why me?

Venom: Wait, they must known.
We have to move!

Dylan: Who?!

Venom: No time to explain. We need to go, now!!

Dylan: Alright. Mum, you and the others go to home. I'll be back.

Delilah: Dylan! Where are you going?

Dylan: I have to move from this place.

Delilah: You're not going anywhere while Cruella De Vil is on the loose.

Suddenly, the thugs entered the park to search Dylan.

Venom: Dylan, we don't have much time. We need to get out of here.

Dylan: I now, but they don't understand.

Delilah: What do you mean, Dylan?

Dylan: Mum!! They're after me, not us. I need to leave, NOW!!!!

The thugs come even closer to Dylan.

Venom: Dylan, this is our last chance!

Dylan looked at Delilah straight in her eyes, saying........

Dylan: Sorry, mum.

Dylan started to run as fast as he can.

Delilah: Dylan, wait!!! Dylan!

But, the thugs spotted him, somehow.

The thug: There!!!! The dog! Catch it!!!

They started to chase Dylan.

Dylan: Aw shit! They're after us.

Venom: We need transportation. There!!!

Venom points out a motorbike.

Dylan: But that's a motorbike. I can't drive that.

Venom: Fine. We'll run rhen.

The thug: There!!! Catch it!

Venom: Go! Go! Go! Dylan climb this building.

Dylan: But, how?

Venom: Just put your paw on the wall and begin to climb.

Dylan puts his paw on the wall and begin to climb.

Dylan: Aw shit, this is amazing.

The thugs saw Dylan walking on the surface of the wall and reaching the roof of the building. They were in shock.

The thug: How the fuck the dog do that? Argh! This ain't fooling us. Get that dog!

Some of the thugs started to get in the building and climbing to the roof.

Dylan: Oh dog, what do we do now?

Venom: We need to get down and run. There's no other choice.

Dylan jumped down the building and started running as fast as he can to escape from the thugs. After hours running around the town, Dylan manege to escape from the thugs.

Dylan(catching his breath): So, what do we do now?

Venom: We have no time to waste. We must go after my brothers.

Dylan: But...where are they?

Venom: I can sense them. I think it's this way.

Dylan: Then, what are we waiting for? Let's go!

Dylan x Venom ( 101 Dalmatian Street)Where stories live. Discover now