Something Sensible

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Using Venom's special sense to track down his brothers, Dylan and Venom reached the abandoned factory, also known as the secret laboratory.

Dylan: What is this place?

Venom: I think this is the place where my brothers are.

Dylan: But.. it's an abandoned factory. Why in the world would anyone keep "aliens" in an abandoned factory?

Venom: I'm not saying. But my sense is.

Dylan: Maybe we could find something inside the factory. Just need to find a way in. There! The vent will be perfect way in.

Venom: Let's not waste our time. Let's get in.

Dylan strated to crawl through the vents until he gets inside of the factory. He was froze in shock and stood speachless.

Dylan: A laboratory....? No wonder you're brothers were held here. This laboratory is very similar to laboratory back at the exhibition building. But, what is it doing here? In an abandoned factory?

Venom: Dylan, focus. We need to find my brothers and the spacecraft. As soon as possible.

Dylan: Right. Let's do it.

Dylan begin to search the laboratory for the other symbiotes.

???: Rwgggggggrh!!!!!!

Dylan: Oh my dog! What the hell was that?!

???: You!!!!!

Dylan turn around to see where the sound is coming from. Once again, he stood motionless. Another symbiote was in a glass cylinder, looking directly at Dylan.

Riot: You weird creature, why do I get a different feeling about you?

Dylan: Who are you?

Riot: That feeling.......Venom..... I know it is you....

Suddenly, Dylan changes into Venom's form. Venom started to talk with Riot.

Venom: You don't have to do this. You can just stay out of this.

Riot: What do you mean, Venom? We came here to this planet for one reason and ONE REASON ONLY!! We lack food and look how many foods do we have.

Venom: I can't let that happen.

Riot: Who are you now, huh? Fighting for the living things? You're an idiot!! They're our food!!!

Dylan: Huh? Venom, what is he talking about?

Venom: Don't listen to him, Dylan.

Riot: Hahahaha!! What? Your little friend wants to know the truth, huh?

Venom: No, he don't!! You don't have to do this, Riot!

Dylan: Venom! What the fuck is going on right now?!

Venom: Don't listen to him, Dylan. He tries to brainwash you, confuse you. Don't believe anything he says.

Riot: Why? Is the truth bitter for you? Hey creature! The real reason why we come to this planet, is to conquer it and have much food as want to. Every living things in this planet will be our food to enjoy.

Dylan: Venom..... Is this true?....... What he was saying?... Is it?...

Venom: Argh, it's true, Dylan. All the things he said, all of them, are true. But Dylan I'm nothi-

Venom was interrupt by Dylan.

Dylan: LIAR!!!

Venom: Calm down, Dylan.

Dylan: SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! You knew this all this time, and you lie to me, YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!!! I thought you're food was the fucking oxygen!!! And not the living things!!

Venom: Dylan! I'm not like them.

Dylan: Then, why do you have to hide the truth from me?

Venom: I thought you might get terrified. That's why.

Dylan: Eventually, you'll get hungry and you gonna fucking eat me!!!! And what's going to happen!!

Venom: I will not do that, no matter what.

Dylan: Enough. Get off from me, NOW!! Get the fuck away from me, you asshole!!!

Venom: Dylan, please. It's not what you think. Believe me!!

Dylan: Why should I believe you!? You never been true with me! I should have question you when you said Fergus was delicious, and why the fuck, should I believe you!!!!!??

Dylan tried to get out from Venom. Dylan struggles as much as he can to escape Venom. But accidentally, hit a table. The metal bars on table fell on floor, made an uneasy sound.

Venom: Arrrgh! Aaaaaahh! STOP IT!!!!

The sound made Venom scream in pain. His form strated to fall apart. Dylan sees this as an opening and manege to get out from Venom. Dylan realise that the sound from the metal bars is Venom's weakness. He took two of the metal bars and stand in front of Venom saying....

Dylan: I was wrong about you. I let you inside of me,I took you in, treated you like a real friend. You're demon like you said. You're nothing but a fucking monster!!! Now HAVE THIS!!!

Dylan hit both of the metal bars to create the sound again. Venom can't take it. He shouted at Dylan to stop it but Dylan wasn't stopping for nothing.
But suddenly......

Dr Blake: What's happening in here?! What is all this wreaking?!

Dr Blake saw Dylan and Venom.

Dr Blake: You! And the other symbiote!

He quickly grabs his phone out of his pocket call someone.

Dr Blake: Leo!? Leo! Where the hell are you!? I need some men in the west side of the laboratory, now!

Dylan couldn't focus at Dr Blake. He was too focus on Venom and trying to bring him down. The reinforcements Dr Blake ask arrived along Dr Leo.

Dr Blake: This dog... knows how to control the symbiote. This is incredible..... You men!! Capture the dog, I'll handle the symbiote.

The guards capture Dylan and lock him in metal cage. Dr Blake grabs the metal bars and repeat what Dylan was doing.

Dr Leo: Are you sure you doing it right?

Dr Blake: Of course. I just need hit it harder.

Dr Blake hit the metal bars as hard as he can. Venom couldn't take it anymore. He started to fade out. But the sound made a powerful sound barrier that made the glass cylinder crack.

Riot: My time is now.

Riot break free glass cylinder. Everyone just stood frozen. Riot steer down at Dr Blake right in the eyes.

Riot: Ah, what do we have here?

Dr Blake: Oh my goodness......

Riot looks at Dr Blake with fury saying....

Riot: Now, you will be my test subject!

Riot entered inside of Dr Blake. Using him, as a vessel. Riot only have one objective. To bring every symbiotes from Vortex to Earth.

Riot: Huh, finally a human I can use. The rest of you will be my feast!!

Riot begin to everyone around him. Giving a terrifying steer at every single one of them. Riot begin to catch some of them and eat them.

Riot: Ah, so many snacks, so little time.

He ate everyone leaving Dr Leo behind. Riot looked at him saying......

Riot: I'll save best for last. I shall return with my brothers from Vortex and conquer Earth. Making human as a delightful meal.

He says that walks away. For his next objective, bringing the symbiotes to Earth.

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