Just another love story

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Ok so let me just warn you. This may not end how you want it to end. It's not always love at first sight.

As I was walking on the shores of Ridgeway, I thought to myself, "When am I'm going to find my love?" "When will it be my time to love somebody?"

Then all of a sudden I was hit by a man.
I didn't know wether to scream or to pass out. I felt like I saw heaven instantly....

Then, I woke up in the hospital. I saw a man with beautiful hazel eyes the size of chocolate drops. His wavy hair was pushed back neatly.

"Ma'am are you ok?"
"Yes I'm fine, what happened?"
"It looks like you were mugged by some dude on the shore", he said

"Who are you?", I said
"Who am I ?"
Uh oh...

Chapter 2

"I'm sorry, what is your name?"
"Ok, why am I here again?
"Nurse!", He called
The nurse came in. "Yes doctor, is there anything wrong?"

"She is diagnosed with amnesia"
"You knew this?", Said the doctor.
"Yes and there is something else I must tell you.", said the nurse

They both walked out of the room and had a conversation that shocked him.

The doctor walked back inside the room and said this me, "you're pregnant."

"What!!!!!!!!", I screamed
"Yes, unfortunately, the man that mugged you also..... you know where I'm going with this."

"No, I don't"
"He raped you."
"Wha- Wha-"

I didn't know what to think or feel at the moment. I stood frozen in my hospital bed.
"Ma'am, I'm so sorry that this happened to you."

"Where do I live?"
"Oh, we'll you can stay here for a few days and I'll try to look up your family."
"What is you're name?"

"What is my name?"

"Oh, I forgot ...

"Just stay here for a few days until you can get back on your feet," he said.

The nurse came back in.
"I know her name."
"What is it?
"Alli Parker."

...Too bad guys I'll write part 2 of this story in 3 1/2 weeks

To be continued.......

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