𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓪𝓶𝓮 𝓟𝓮𝓻𝓼𝓸𝓷?🌹

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Bakugo pov.

"Tch, I'm not joining your stupid fashion sprees." I said.

"Oh c'mon! Please?" pleaded Denki. I gave him a death looking stare. I then gave a second thought. Now that Kirishima is with us, maybe I can ask more questions to him of why he left.

"Fine. Only because I need to have a chat with Kirishima." I then said. The three were overjoyed when I agreed. For some reason, I thought Kiri's smile looked cute... I'm probably just imagining things again. We then left the table when Kirishima finished his curry. Mina quickly zoomed into a clothes store, so we had to follow her before she causes a huge mess.

"Here!" she said, handing us clothes. "Try these on! It'll look good on you guys, I know it. I already paid for them so you just have to put them on, and we can go somewhere out later!"

"No. I am definitely not wearing any of the shit you pick out for me." I said, handing back the clothes Mina wanted me to wear.

"Please, Bakugo? Unless you're a coward that is~" she taunted.

"I AM NOT A F*CKING COWARD." I snatched the clothes, hearing Kirishima and Denki laughing. I went into the changing rooms and put on the clothes. It doesn't look that bad at all. Maybe what the public said of Mina's fashion choices truly are superb. They're never bad when it comes to someone's tastes.

"Woah, Bakubro! That really fits you! You did a great job picking the outfit, Mina!" said Denki.

"I totally agree with Denki." said Kirishima. 

"It's your turn now, Kiri!" boasted Mina. Kirishima nodded and went into the changing rooms. This is so dumb, but for some reason, I'm enjoying it. Kirishima then came out. For some reason, I felt my heart race. My heart started to beat rapidly out of... love. Why did my heart race when Kirishima exited out of the changing rooms? Do I really have a liking to Kirishima? No, I must ignore this feeling and focus on something else.

"Bakubro? Bakugo? Earth to Bakugo! GROUND ZERO!" yelled Denki. I became shocked, and saw the three of them staring at me. "You alright, dude? You spaced out when Kirishima exited out of the changing rooms. Wanna tell us something?"

"No. Everything's fine." I said, placing my hand on my chest where my heart was. The three looked concerned. Eventually Denki and Mina shook it off, but Kirishima still looked suspicious about me. I felt a grab behind me, dragging me out of the shop. "What the hell? Whoever is pulling me, stop!" The dragging stopped after we were right outside of the shop.

"Why did you place your hand where your heart was when I came out, Bakugo?" asked the person who dragged me. I turned and saw Kirishima.

"Why did you drag me-"

"Answer my question." he demanded.  He was giving me a stare of seriousness. I saw no joy, no happiness, not the Kirishima I knew. He looked like a cold-blooded predator, ready to feed on his prey, me. I felt my left arm quiver, just a bit. Am I afraid of this Kirishima? No, should I even call this cold-blooded presence in front of me Kirishima? I felt my mouth open, wanting to speak, but I couldn't because of the death-stare Kirishima was giving me. What is this? What's happening? 

"Not gonna answer my question? What are you, afraid?" he asked, mockingly. I was then able to pick up the courage to talk ever since he said that.

"I-I'm not afraid, idiot." I then said, looking away from Kirishima's horrific stare.

"Then answer my question! Look at me straight in the eyes if you're not afraid!" he said, still having the horrifying stare. I was about to open speak when Mina and Denki started to come out of the shop. Kirishima also noticed them, so he took one last moment to tell something to me.

"We'll talk about this later." Kirishima then left me to join the other two and to chat with them. I took a pause then joined them later. When we exited the mall, it started to get dark.

"Wow, it's already starting to get dark?" asked Denki, looking up at the sky. Mina nodded, then came walking up to me. 

"Can we have a sleepover at your place?" she asked me. 

"No, duh."

"Please~" she continued to plead until I have had enough.

"Oh my gosh, fine! You're so damn annoying sometimes!"

"Yay! Kiri, Denki, wanna have a sleepover at Bakugo's?"

"Sure! Hold up- he agreed?" asked Denki. Mina nodded.

"I'm not backing down. What's the address?" asked Kirishima. I told them my address and they all insisted going home to get their stuff and come to my place. "Wait! I have a new phone so I don't really have your numbers. Can I have them?" We gave Kirishima our numbers and then went to our homes.

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