nishinoya yu

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Breakups suck—especially when they happen a week before your one-year anniversary. You hadn't expected it to make you this upset; you were usually a pretty resilient person. Even so, it was hard to get yourself to do anything other than be miserable. You'd spent the last few nights huddled up in your room doing nothing but eating ice cream and watching Netflix.

Dink! Something hard hit your window. You walked over to investigate, sliding the glass open and peering outside. The darkness made it hard to see, so you couldn't locate the source of the sound.

"(Y/n)! You can't stay sad forever, you know!" a familiar voice called out.

"Yes, I most definitely can, Noya!" you yelled back without looking down.

Your friends had been supportive during the breakup, offering sympathy and the occasional piece of advice, but it was Nishinoya who had called you every few hours to make sure you were okay. As annoying as it was, you were happy to know that he cared enough to take the time to keep checking on you.

"Well, you could, but this food isn't getting any warmer."

This got your attention. You squinted, trying to find him in the dark. When you finally did spot him, you were met with pleasant surprise. Nishinoya was standing below your window holding takeout from your favorite restaurant in one hand and a large box in the other. You signalled for him to give you one second. Grabbing a sweatshirt, you rushed downstairs and out the front door to meet him.

"Here, take this. I was thinking we could have a late-night picnic." He handed you the takeout. "I got your favorite! And this,"—he opened the box—"is a little thing I put together."

You peered inside and saw a care package filled with flowers, fuzzy socks, and tons of snacks. You were stunned. "You didn't have to do all of this, Noya."

"Except I did, (y/n)." He looked at you with a smile. "When you're happy, I'm happy."
Cocking your head to the side, you smirked at him.

"Shut up, stupid. That wasn't supposed to come out that sappy. Now sit down, I'm starving."

You two spent the rest of the night talking and laughing. Nishinoya was right, you couldn't stay sad forever. At least, not with him around.

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