who is he?

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Nero had her hands wrapped around izuku as they kissed using tongue
Izuku than got into the car and started driving to the party
1 hour pass and they made it
Everyone was shocked to see izuku and how much he grew as yaoyorozu was gonna slap izuku for being late but izuku dodge laughing nervously
Kirishima: hey dude
As izuku fist bumped as they say down eating izuku was eating so fast
Izuku: water water!
As nero quickly gave him water
Nero: why do you have to always scarf the plate your not even tasting it as izuku was laughing
Until the roof dropped as izuku quickly threw Nero to the side as izuku picked up the slab than there were a beast that dropped up top of izuku crushing his back as izuku coughed up blood
Nero quickly ran to him as a tear went down her cheek she quickly used her quirk and it worked but izuku wasn't prepared he realized that the power coming from this enemy was like a beast but was it all that to it
Izuku than broke the Boulder with his back as the villian was shocked as a vein popped I'll kill you he yelled

Sorry so short promise I'll upload more

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