Sleep paralysis

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I can feel myself twitch as the sleep paralysis episode starts. My paralysis demons both torturing me, pressure on my chest as I hear chains rattle from the closet. (Hello Chains..? Rattles..? I forgot what I named you but hello.) I want to scream, I try to scream but nothing comes out. Corpse is all the way in his recording room, he doesn't know this is going on. I continue to twitch, trying to wake myself up. Within a few minutes, the episode is over. My breathing is scattered, tears poking at my eyes. Quietly, I make my way to Corpse's recording room. I open the door, watching him take his headphones off as the chair spins around.

"Sleep paralysis again?" he asks, I nod, pulling at my sleeves. I watch him turn his PC off and get up, walking over to me. He embraces me, running a hand through my hair. I cling to him, not wanting him to let go. I've experienced sleep paralysis before but it has gotten worse over the years and I'm assuming it's due to the trauma I've been put through, not quite sure though. He looks over to the couch in his recording room, looking up at the red and blue led lights after. He released me, quickly moving to make a bed on the couch, grabbing the led remote. I watch as he moves to the couch laying down, making grabby hands at me. I quietly move, laying on top of him, cuddling into his chest as he covers us up and turns off the lights.

"Goodnight Y/N/N." he mumbles, playing with my hair.

"Goodnight." I tiredly sigh, drifting off soon after.

-Word count: 284-

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