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It was surreal to be back in the Fright Zone. Wandering the abandoned wreckage, Entrapta was struck by just how much had changed since she left. The place had been thoroughly trashed. She moved aside chunks of collapsed walls with her mechanical limbs, examining pieces of broken machinery to salvage what she could. Hordak easily lifted the larger pieces of rubble out of her way.

"Gosh, this place is a mess," she commented loudly. "Everything's all smashed up! What happened?"

Hordak did not answer. He hadn't said anything since they arrived. Entrapta was used to this quiet behavior, and she didn't really expect him to remember what had caused all the damage, though she had hoped coming here would spark more of his memory to return.

Light from the low-hanging sun winked off an object hidden just out of easy reach. Eagerly Entrapta used one of her new limbs to slide under the tangled mess of pipes to grasp it. She brought the object into the open, discovering a shard of crystal. The way it was broken, Entrapta could not tell what shape it had been when it was whole. She would have to clear a wide area to look for more pieces.

"I've put worse back together before," Entrapta said to herself, turning the crystal shard over in her hand. "Let's see if I can find the rest of you..."

A roar followed by a loud crash made her jump. Entrapta whirled around to see what had fallen, anxious Hordak had been hurt. A cloud of dust rose from under the cracked remains of a large pipe. Hordak stood not far from it. He was facing away from her, his shoulders hunched, breathing heavily.

Concerned, Entrapta set aside the broken shard and went to him. She reached out to touch his arm. "Hordak, are you --?"

Hordak flinched at her touch. He rounded on her with such ferocity that Entrapta stumbled back, her hair spiked in alarm. His face was a mask of fury. As soon as their eyes met, something clicked, and his entire posture shifted. His shoulders fell, his ears drooped. His voice shook when he spoke. "Entrapta?"

Entrapta did not move as he reached for her. He stopped just before his hand could touch her shoulder. She looked from Hordak's outstretched hand to his face, unsure what was going on. Hordak did not appear to be hurt, but he was clearly distressed. He needed her. "Do you want a hug?" she asked, spreading her arms.

Hordak nodded slowly. Entrapta closed the distance between them, smiling as he wrapped his arms around her in return. It was comforting when Hordak held her like this. Maybe he was looking for that same comfort too. "It's okay," she said, squeezing him more tightly. "It's okay."

"I did this," he said hoarsely "I destroyed this place when I--" His voice caught, and he shivered. "I thought you were dead."

Now Entrapta understood. This was why Hordak had left her on Beast Island.

"I am sorry I did not come for you," he went on. "I am sorry I left you in that terrible place. I did not know what Catra had done... she may have escaped our last encounter, but I will make her pay dearly."

Hearing the anger rise in his voice, Entrapta shook her head. "It wasn't so bad," she said, pulling back slightly. "I was able to do an incredible amount of research! All the answers I'd been searching for, about the First Ones and Etheria, everything was right there. It was lonely, though, sometimes..."

Hordak reached up to smooth her hair from the side of her face, and Entrapta leaned into the touch. She closed her eyes, smiling softly. "I missed you on the island," she said. "I'm glad I didn't stay."

"How can you be so forgiving?"

Opening her eyes, she raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"Are you not angry with those that hurt you? Are you not angry at Catra for sending you to die? Angry at me for abandoning you?"

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