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Hordak awoke to find Entrapta lying against him. She was snoring softly, her arm draped loosely across his chest. He felt a surge of affection for her, cherishing this feeling of closeness. Entrapta was always so kind to him. She had seen him at his worst and loved him anyway. It was more than he deserved.

Not wanting to wake her, Hordak stayed where he was, gazing up at the ceiling. Soon they would be leaving to join the Rebellion, the people who were once his enemies. His memory was still filled with gaps and uncertainties, but Hordak now had a much clearer picture of the events that led to his reunion with Horde Prime. The princesses would not trust him, of that he was sure. And why should they?

It would be easier to run. He and Entrapta could still escape, leaving Etheria to its fate. Then Hordak would not have to face the Rebellion. He would not have to face Horde Prime.

Hordak felt a shiver go through him. He wanted to strike back at Prime, to take revenge for what Prime had done to Entrapta, what he had done to them both. Yet below that anger was a deep terror. Horde Prime was the conqueror of the known universe. None had ever stood against his army and lived. Hordak may have grown to hate what was once his god, but the ties of awe and fear were not lightly tossed aside. What chance did one defective clone have against Horde Prime's might?

He could almost feel the whisper of Prime in his thoughts. I see you... I know where you are, little brother, and I am coming for you... Hordak flinched, his hands balling into fists, even though he knew Prime could not reach him here. Entrapta had seen to that.

There was a time in his isolation when he longed to feel the presence of Prime's will. It gave him a sense of belonging, a sense of peace. Now it terrified him more than anything.

Entrapta shifted in her sleep, drawing her arm closer to her as if she were cold. Hordak pulled the blanket higher over them both, then placed his hand over hers. With Entrapta, he had found a different kind of belonging. It was so comforting to be near her, to know she wanted to be near him. He had come to enjoy the touch of her hand on his arm, her hugs, even cuddling, as she called it. Such displays of affection were entirely foreign to Hordak. It was like a language he was slowly learning the words to. Every day it came a little easier, and at every stumble, Entrapta was there to help him get back on his feet.

The thought of losing her sent a stab of pain through him. If Prime caught them again, they would suffer greatly. Hordak would not let that happen.

He could ask her to leave with him. She might even say yes. But Hordak knew it would be wrong to ask that of her. Without her help, and his, Etheria would be destroyed. Entrapta would lose her home, and all of her friends would die.

No. As hard as it would be, they needed to stay. Hordak had brought this doom upon the planet. If not for his actions, Horde Prime would not be here. He had to do what he could to undo the damage he had wrought.

Entrapta shifted again, and this time Hordak noticed a change in her breathing and knew she was awake. He traced his thumb over the knuckles of her hand. "Good morning, Entrapta."

Stretching out with a contented sigh, Entrapta pushed herself up so she could look at him. Her hair was now long enough to hang in her face, but it swept aside as she smiled. "Good morning!"

Now that she was fully awake, Entrapta was back to her usual energetic self. She tossed the blanket aside and hopped over Hordak in one easy motion. She had slept fully clothed and, as he now noticed, without taking her shoes off. It was a wonder she slept so comfortably.

Entrapta lifted her pack and flipped it over one shoulder, easily fitting it into place. "Whew!" she shuddered as the pack connected with a jolt. "That'll wake you up!"

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