⫘Character Stuff⫘

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So everyone is going to be either Hybrids or they will just have powers.
Hybrids are people who have the abilities of the creature they are a hybrid of, they're basically just Half-Human, Half-Creature.
They can be mix of a normal animal or a Mythical one. The kids do not develop their powers until they are six years old. This is also the minimum age to be shipped out.

This is the layout for the Categories.

Character⨳Hybrid animal/Power
Users Abilities and limits.


Ray⨳Cheshire Cat
When User grins, they can disappear and reappear when or wherever he/she would like. But the tracker keeps the User from leaving the Grace Field House Property. User cannot fly. Gains Ears and a tail that match the User's hair.
Ray's: Black Ears and Tail with small accents of white.

Can fly very far and gains wings that can tuck in and make the User look like a normal human.
Can see very far(even without Gilda's glasses. It's just blurry). User gains golden yellow eyes and feathers that appear in his/her hair. User can withstand very cold temperatures, and has feathery ears sticking up from both sides of their head.(Like those little feather ears on owls)

User looks as if they are translucent and can control whether something or someone goes through the User's body or not. User will float around most of the time but can walk or sit when needed. User can make him/herself transparent or translucent on command. The User can hide or just stand anywhere and you'd never notice.
Additional Information: Don loves to scare his friends with this power.

Conny⨳White Rabbit
Can create small portals or rabbit holes and can send objects and/or people to different locations, they open and close on User's demand.
User gains white rabbit ears protruding from the top of their head, a fluffy tail located at tailbone and a (cute)little button nose.
The trackers keep User from opening any rabbit holes outside of Grace Field House Property.

Has Fox ears and a Tail that match the color of his/her hair. Has small fangs, claws, and slit pupils(Cat eyes).
User can camouflage themself anywhere but must stay completely still, User can talk just not move.

Controls Anyone who hears his/her singing and must give command through song. "~" at the end of a sentence (In writing)means he/she is singing.
There are Blue scales all over the User's body that flare up when in contact with water.
If User is fully submerged in water, he/she will grow a tail. Being a Water-based Hybrid the User cannot be near hot things, or anything fire related.
User can also control and create water out of the water vapors contained in the air.
Additional information: Mizu has Light Blue hair that ends just below his chest, Sharp Caribbean Green Eyes and Pale Skin.

Very quick wings that can make the User float more than ten feet in the air.
The tracker, once again, restricts them from leaving the Property or going too high.
Wings are a translucent blue that is very pretty when light is shined through them. Whilst using said wings, they shed a sparkly dust that can knock someone out for hours.


Norman⨳Deja Vu
User can see events in the future, but they appear as dreams to them. Causing what seems like Deja Vu.
Cannot control what User sees and won't see every event. User can see certain events and know what's coming, but not when so he/she is not always prepared.

Can create and control any type of fire. Cannot manipulate fire that is already made.
User can light things on fire but he/she has to be looking at the object or person in question otherwise, he/she cannot do said task.

Can create anything as long as user knows what it is and what it looks like.
Doesn't necessarily need to know what it is made of but it would help with the strength of the object. Can only make Solid objects. Only disappears on command.

Can summon a Bow and Arrows that are nearly indestructible. Enhances speed and agility, lowers size.
The user has the same features except for his/her now pointed ears. Can possibly can make spells but risks are very high. The user can also jump very far and aim is always on point.


Isabella is Human but does have minimal traces of Cat related DNA in her. The trackers keep them from using their abilities to escape.

This is also a Norman X Male!OC. Of course, this is going to have some gay shit. Don't like it, don't read. But for those who want to read, Hope you enjoy!

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