Chapter 1

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This story is an expansion of Season 3, from the Krew's time in Zaofu to the end.

For those of you who don't know, omegaverse is an AU that developed in the Supernatural fandom years ago. Everyone can be classified in one of three groups: Alphas, Betas, and Omegas. Both male and female alphas have cocks (females get them when they're aroused, especially during an omega's heat), and possess the ability to 'knot' (tie themselves together) with their partner upon completion. Betas are the switches of this universe. They can mate with alphas and omegas, although they can't change their genitalia. Omegas are the bottoms. Both males and females have the ability to get pregnant, and they go through very intense heats, releasing pheromones that call all the alphas around them so they can find an appropriate mate.

Alphas might get violent with each other when fighting over a mate, but the omega gets to choose who satisfies their heat. Hurting or pressuring an omega to mate is highly stigmatized. In this particular universe, Korra is an alpha, Asami is an omega, and Mako is a beta, although this is only important in reference to his previous relationships with both of them.

Chapter Text
Asami tugged the neckline of her dress, coaxing more air beneath its collar. Her trusty jacket usually accompanied her everywhere, but with the hot afternoon sun beating down, she regretted wearing it today. She ran a hand through her hair as she descended the courtyard steps, lifting the strands that clung to the back of her neck. If I spend too much longer outside, my jacket's going to end up tied around my waist whether it stretches out the sleeves or not.

A shout from the courtyard ahead offered a momentary distraction. She paused at the edge of the bridge, smiling fondly as she glimpsed a blur of blue amidst the dust. Apparently, Korra was enjoying her metalbending lesson. Her alpha scent was stronger than usual, sharp with sweat and determination. Still, there was something comforting about it. Asami liked Zaofu, but she'd spent her whole life in Republic City. It was nice to have someone familiar like Korra around to remind her of home.

She got a better view of the action as Korra sprang away from a rippling wall of earth, launching herself into the air with her hands. Her feet kicked out, and Asami's smile became a grin as the sharp gesture sent Wing's metal cable lashing back through the air. She'd only caught a few seconds of the match, but Korra seemed to be putting her teacher through his paces.

"Are you all right, Asami?"

Asami turned, more than a little embarrassed that Mako had caught her staring. Normally, she could smell him or at least hear him before he managed to sneak up on her, but she'd been distracted. On closer inspection, Mako's brow was furrowed even more than usual, and he seemed concerned.

"You look uncomfortable," he said.

"Uncomfortable? No." Asami shook her head, brushing a lock of hair away from her temple. "I'm fine, promise. I was just watching Korra."

Another loud, unhappy cry interrupted their conversation. Asami and Mako turned in time to see Bolin dodge a flying chunk of metal. It zoomed harmlessly past his head, shattering the stone pillar behind him.

"Maybe it's time to call things off," Mako suggested. "We need to get ready for dinner anyway." He gave Asami a long look, as if unsure whether to believe she was really all right, but didn't say anything else before heading across the bridge.

Asami followed him, shielding her eyes against the sun's glare bouncing off the courtyard's decorative metal plates. Still, she couldn't help squinting to catch the last few seconds of the Avatar's sparring match. Korra fought Wing for control of the metal cable, letting it wind harmlessly around an arm or a leg whenever he sent it whipping toward her. Her movements were hypnotic, smooth as water, and Asami continued watching the rolling of her body until Mako spoke again.

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