Chapter 5

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Asami sighed as she flipped through the pages of yet another empty book. The entire day had been one frustration on top of another. Korra was safe, for which she was incredibly thankful, but none of them knew for how long. Their only real lead was weak to say the least. And even though she knew she needed to focus on proving that Aiwei had helped the intruders enter Zaofu, she couldn't keep her mind on her task.

She'd spent the entire night in Suyin's study as Korra recovered from the Shirshu toxins, growling at anyone who came too close. Even Mako had been wise enough to stay back despite the lure of her heat and his concern for Korra. This morning, she had paced like a restless animal while Korra questioned the guards with Aiwei and the Beifong sisters, trying to melt the wall between them through sheer force of will. Being a room away from Korra was unbearable. Through it all, her heat had gotten worse. She didn't understand why, but the Red Lotus's attempt to kidnap Korra had only made her desire fiercer.

She slammed the book shut, lifting a hand to her forehead. The muscles there were painfully tight, so she pinched them with her fingertips, working out the wrinkles. It had the added benefit of covering her eyes. Every inch of her throbbed whenever she looked in Korra's direction, and she couldn't seem to help herself. She hadn't just been stealing glances. Her stares were fixed, intense, and unbreaking. Once again, she was unable to resist. Instead of moving on to the next shelf, her attention jumped back to Korra. She didn't have to search at all. The alpha's scent was strong enough to broadcast her every movement. It filled her head with the red haze of desire every time she inhaled.

Korra stiffened under her gaze almost immediately. A visible shudder coursed through the broad muscles in her back, and when she turned, Asami forgot how to breathe. Why is it that every time I look at her, I forget how handsome she is? That jaw, those strong arms, the muscles shifting under her shirt... She couldn't help herself. Her eyes drifted further down, locking on the large swell at the front of Korra's pants. The bulge was so prominent that the rest of her loose outfit did little to hide it. She could almost make out its shape underneath the fabric, could easily imagine how that firmness would feel cupped in her palm...

She shook herself before the daydream could take hold any further. Stop it. Korra's in danger and you're not thinking straight. There isn't time for this. But the words sounded weak in her own head. She ran her tongue over her lower lip, tugging it back with her teeth. Biting down sent another throb of heat between her legs. The fabric of her underwear was soaked in moments. She ripped her eyes away from Korra and forced herself to continue searching the room.

Thankfully, Mako offered a distraction. "Hey," he called, motioning them over. "Look. I think this bookshelf slides open."

Korra went to look, but Asami remained behind, choosing to stay by the window. If she went with Korra, she would be tempted to brush against the alpha's firm body on the way.

"What do you think is down there?" Korra asked, examining the secret passage. Asami swallowed a whimper. Staring at the outline of Korra's cock was bad enough, but somehow, the swell of her ass was worse. She took in a shuddering breath, trying not to imagine how those muscles would feel flexing under her hands in mid-thrust...

"Could be a storage cellar," Bolin pointed out.

Mako shook his head. "Or it could be how Zaheer got in and out."

She ripped her eyes away from Korra and Mako as they stood next to each other. Despite her heat, which should have made her receptive to his presence, Mako was grating on her nerves through no fault of his own. Her body had chosen Korra for this cycle, and everyone else who paid her any attention was an annoyance at best. She looked out the window instead, trying to calm her racing heart.

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