Chapter 6

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Korra looked down at her wrinkled shirt, searching for the imprints of Asami's hands in the fabric. She knew she wouldn't find them, but she couldn't stop hoping. It had been an entire day since Asami had clung to her, both trying to protect her and seeking protection as the world around them exploded. Only her Avatar State had saved them from turning to dust along with the wall. But even more than the blast, Asami's touch had shaken her. The desperation, the unspoken feelings behind it, were so intense that the two of them hadn't dared to risk even the slightest contact since.

The call of Asami's heat complicated everything. Korra wouldn't have thought twice about touching Asami or letting Asami touch her otherwise. But the omega's scent made everything different. Korra couldn't go more than a few seconds without imagining what it would be like to kiss her. To grab her soft black hair. To claim those perfect rosebud lips and trap those slender wrists in her hands as their hips collided.

She'd thought about it during her shouting match with Lin. Thought about it when Suyin slipped her the key to the jeep. Thought about it some more as they snuck off into the night, hot on Aiwei's trail. She didn't even have Mako and Bolin to act as a buffer anymore. They had gone into the city to look for clues while she and Asami were tasked with searching Aiwei's abandoned jeep, pairings she had suggested and Mako hadn't dared to question. He had simply shot them a worried glance before disappearing over the hilltop with Bolin.

That only left her, crouched on a rock overlooking the valley and struggling with a tempest of feelings she didn't understand, and Asami. Asami, who was supposed to be searching the jeep, but who was staring holes in the back of her head instead.

"Are you okay?"

Her voice. It's not fair. Why does her voice always have to sound like she's begging me to take her? Korra let out a long sigh. "I'm just frustrated. What does Zaheer want with me? What's his plan?" Why can't I just not care about this so much? It would be so easy to mate with you. So easy to tear that dress in half. So easy to tell you how I feel about...

"I don't know, but I think I found a clue."

Korra's eyes widened in surprise. She hadn't thought Asami was actually looking for anything. It had simply been an excuse for them to spend some time alone. "Really? What is it?" She hopped down from her perch and jogged over to Asami's side, taking the piece of paper from her outstretched hand. "It says: 'Xai Bau's Grove, sundown'. This must be where and when Aiwei's going to meet Zaheer! Now we just have to look at a map, and..."

Her voice trailed off as she realized how close Asami was standing. The two of them were less than a foot apart. They hadn't been within touching distance since the day before. "We... uh, the two of us, we should get in the jeep," she stammered, gesturing at the door. "Mako and Bolin, we should tell them..."

But as Asami opened the door and slid into the driver's seat, some part of Korra knew they weren't about to head for the village. She and Asami had barely spoken since leaving Zaofu, but the silent communication between them didn't require words. She headed around to the other end of the jeep, hoping the short distance would clear her head. We can't do this. I can't do this. It could ruin everything. She hopped into the passenger's seat without opening the door, swinging her legs over the side and landing with a thud. "We'd better go," she said, trying not to inhale too deeply. Asami's scent was everywhere.

Asami didn't start the engine. Instead, she turned in her seat, and Korra noticed she hadn't even fastened her safety belt. Her pale skin was flushed, and without her jacket, the points of her nipples were obvious through the front of her dress. Korra lost the fight not to lean across the gap between them. She scooted closer, brushing aside a lock of Asami's hair and drawing in a deep breath beside her throat.

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