~C H A P T E R 1~

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Song: Hold on Till May by: Pierce the Veil --------------------------------------------
-Johnnie's POV-
'She sits up high.
Surrounded by the sun.
One million branches and she loves everyone.
Mom and da-'
My headphones were ripped out of my ears as I walk down the hall.
"What the fuck?!" I yell while I turned to the guy that ripped out my headphones. Shit.
"What did you just say to me?" Asked the 6 foot jock, Henry, said to me.
"Uh. I didn't say anything. Just that uhm the trash cans look nice today?" I asked in a questioning tone.
"You better watch that mouth of yours you fag." Henry said in a threatening tone. Finally after shoving me back into the lockers, Henry left.
I walked into homeroom and sat in my usual seat in the back right corner of the classroom. I like this spot because 1) I have a perfect view of the forest on my right and 2) no one sits back here so I can draw without any of the goody-two-shoes telling the teacher that I'm not listening to her. My homeroom teacher, Mrs. Dorame, absolutely loves me mostly because I obey her and I don't ask her a gazillion questions. Sometimes she will secretly slip me a sheet of paper and a pencil so I can draw in class. Honestly we don't really learn anything in homeroom so Mrs. Dorame doesn't care if I pay attention or not. Even though Mrs. Dorame is nice doesn't mean her daughter is. Mrs. Dorame has a daughter named Alex and let me tell you, she is an attention whore. Literally. (I'm so sorry if you are a fan of Alex but I ship kohnnie more than jalex 😫) I bet you couldn't even count how many times she has tried to get me to sleep with her. I must have told her I was gay 99.9% of the times she has asked me to be her boyfriend. Honestly, I don't even know why she wants me. I'm just a scrawny kid who doesn't like people and listens to a bunch of bands.
Anyway, this really cute guy walked into class about 5 minutes ago and let me tell you that he is drop dead gorgeous!
-New POV-
I walk into the giant doors of Pacific View High, taking off my shades. Luckily, the office was right next to the entrance so I don't need to get lost right away. I enter the office and it was really bright so I put back on my shades.
"Hello! Happy first day back!" A lady greeted my from the front desk.
"Uhm I'm actually new here. I just wanted to pick up my schedule?" I ask questioningly.
"Oh sure Hun!"
I tell her my name and she prints out my schedule. I thank her and start heading to my homeroom. I looked at the map she gave me and walked for a moment before I arrived at a medium sized classroom. I walk in and notice a girl talking to another girl. I went up to her and asked her if she knew where the teacher was. The girl stood up and I noticed she looked a bit older than the other kids in this class.
"I am the teacher. My name is Mrs. Dorame. Welcome to room 3001." She said. And I just nodded at her. Suddenly a loud bell rang throughout the classroom. I guess class was starting. Mrs. Dorame asked me to stay in the front so that when everybody gets settled, I can introduce myself. And I did exactly that.
"Hi my names Kyle. I like a whole bunch of bands and peace tea." I said and I went to go get a seat. I tend to always sit in the back of the classroom so I sat next to a cute guy in the back right corner.
"Is this seat taken?" I asked.
"Nope." He replied.
I sat down and started taking out my drawing pad. I was never the one to listen in class, yet I get pretty decent grades. I started drawing a skull (Jeydon Wales tho 😂). After I drew the outline of the skull I started drawing flowers around it, then I started on the details of the actual skull. When I was finished and satisfied with my work, I shut my notebook with 5 minutes left to spare of this 1 long homeroom lesson which we weren't really learning anything so it didn't really matter.
"I like your drawing." The guy next to me said.
"Thanks!" I said.
"No problem. My names Johnnie."
So how did you guys like the first chapter? If you're even reading this authors note then I want to ask you if you could make a cover for this story please! Thank you so much! ❤️
Peace out thug pugs.
Stay with the Kyeforce.
Love ya

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